Chapter 32: Help

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This is a pretty serious chapter so just a warning, there is rape in this.

(Dream's POV)

I closed my car door. The day was awful; i fell asleep in two classes and the pain medicine worn off after fourth period. I quickly pulled out of the parking lot and on the road. I genuinely hated junior year with my entire life, people were shit. I got a text earlier to go over to the house we were all at last night. I don't know why, and i didn't get a reason but it probably was something stupid.

I haven't talked to anyone in the group since the morning with George. I wonder how that went, probably wasn't good but I hope he got a ride and got home safely.


I pulled into the driveway and noticed two other cars, my mom's and "Cindy." I murmured to myself. I was fucking pissed.

I parked my car and walked up to the front door. I pulled out my key ring and tried a key, didn't work, I don't know how it took me three keys to get the right one with the key i needed purposely having a mark so I remembered which key went to which house but somehow I did that. I walked into the house and immediately took off my shoes.

I walked into the kitchen to see two ladies, one being my mom and one being Cindy. I walked over to hug my mom. "Hey mom is everything okay?"

"Yeah I just need help cleaning up for your dad's party tonight." I froze at my mom's words, a party. "Don't worry you don't have to go, everyone else is busy and i need extra help preparing. And before you go 'why couldnt you ask someone else' everyone else is busy." One thing i had to give her that she was good at reading minds.

"Hello Clay." Cindy spoke. Her voice fucking irritates me to my fucking core. "I haven't seen you in a couple months how have you been."

"Fine." I know my mom would get mad at me if i said anything else. "What do you need me to do?" I turned back to my mom.

"Just start putting those tables up in the dining room. There is table clothes folded on the main table that you will put over them. No making them uneven!"

"I wont!" I walked away and into the dining room. There was five tables against the wall with one table already being set up. I grabbed one of the tables and placed it where i thought it looked good. I started to pull the legs open. I got one but the other wouldn't budge. I took my leg and placed it on the table as I pulled again finally getting it but the table cracked. It wasn't that bad though.

When both legs were up I flipped the table so it was upright. "I'm surprised the table is placed decently." A voice came from behind me. I turned around to see my mom.

"I might have cracked it on accident." I don't know why I said that but i did, it wasn't like my mom would care. "But its not that noticeable especially when we put the table cloth on."

"Okay. I have to run to the store to grab more chairs, I'm two short so i will be back, Cindy will still be here so if you need anything you can ask her. Call me if its urgent bye!" She kissed me on the cheek; I gave a disgusted face. "I'm your mother i can kiss you on the cheek. I will save the other forms of kissing to George." She whispered the George part since there is someone else home.

"You didn't have to add the George part." We both laughed. "Oh do you want anything from last night? Like money, i know we probably costed a-lot for the amount we drank."

"Since only you, Sap, and Quackity gotten drunk you guys are fine. If all five of you guys i might have charged you guys. Okay I need to leave bye Clay!"

When my mom left I was officially alone with the one person i hate the most, Cindy. I just kept setting up the tables, the rest of them were pretty easy to set up.

I felt a vibration come from my phone. I pulled i out and saw a text message from Sapnap. I am kind of shocked he isn't sleeping.

That Idiot Sapnap

I don't know what to do George
locked himself in his room and he
wont leave, i talked to Quackity and
Karl and they said this was normal
but I'm nervous something is wrong.

Just make sure he is okay and if
he wants to be left alone let him
and i will try talking to him when I
get home, I'm at my moms

Okay byeee!!!! Hopefully he
is okay when you get here.

Bye idiot, lets hope he is okay.

"Hello Clay." I heard a voice behind me and i felt like punching a wall. I turned around and it was Cindy. She placed her hand on my arm. "How have you been?"

"Not great, and you're making it worse so please leave me alone. And take your god damn hand off of me." I felt another had land straight on my crotch. I tried prying off her hand but it wouldn't budge. "Please let go of me. I will never forget what you did to me."

"You got to have fun." She started to go down on her knees. I didn't know what to do, its just like when I was eleven, i was fucking terrified.

She started to pull down my shorts. She pulled me entirely onto the floor so she was right in-front of me, something got placed around my wrists, they were handcuffs, she handcuffed me to the legs of the table, i couldn't escape. She took my boxers off too. Tears stung in my eyes. "Stop please stop!" I felt hands all over me.

"Any girl would love to do this too you, I'm just teaching you how to do this, relax." Her mouth started to touch me. I tried yelling but no one could hear.

We were alone, i had no one to help me, my hands we're handcuffed so i couldn't move to get help i was screwed. I tried closing my legs but she was in between them. "Stop!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "Please someone help me!"

She removed her mouth for a second. "We are alone, why don't you be quiet for me please, you wouldn't be screaming like this when your having sex with your girlfriend." She reconnected again.

"Please stop!" I couldn't move my hands, my legs were trapped, she put her one hand on my shoulder, i was stuck.

She removed her mouth off of me. She was done; i felt so relieved. I noticed something, she was taking off her pants, oh no. When she was done she grabbed my dick and put it inside of her as she sat down on my lap; she started to move back and forth. "Wow." Thats all she said. I cried even harder, this cant he happening again.

"Get off of me!" I pleaded. Its been six years but I can recall the exact moment and its even worse now. I feel like throwing up, all over the place. I tried holding it in, I cant throw up.

Please mom come home, someone, anyone! I thought to myself. I wouldn't even care if someone else came I needed someone to stop this immediately. I couldn't hold in my tears, i have never cried this much. Why couldn't my parents hire a different assistant? I thought again.

"Someone help!" I tried yelling again, no one can answer, no one was there to save me. My screams echoed throughout the house. My sobs echoed throughout the house. But no one was there to hear them, no one was there to witness this, no one was there to help.

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