Chapter 51: The Tunnel

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(George's POV)

I look down at my phone, November 1st 12:36. I look around to see me in a tunnel, I didn't know where I was.

I started to walk down the tunnel until I saw something that made me stop in my tracks. It was me as a baby. I walked up to the glass window and stared into it. I realized where he was, in my old house in London.

My mom had me placed in her lap as she watched television. Soon my dad stumbled into the room drunk out of his mind. "Heyy." He dragged out. "Sally I told you we should have got rid of that child." He picked up baby me and threw me on the ground, making me cry. I watched this in pain, it wasn't something I did they just never loved me.

"Come on he isn't that bad." My mom told my father. "He hasn't even talked yet so we don't know if he is bad."

My dad kicked me. "He is still fucking crying!" My dad picked me up. "This bitch doesn't know how to shut the fuck up, their giving me a headache."

Being called a bitch at one years old is just sad, especially coming from your so called father. My dad had a tight grip on my baby self as he carried it to my old room practically throwing me on the crib. It wasn't even a crib it was a mattress on the floor that had pillows around it.

I stepped back from the glass and started to walk down the tunnel again. But soon enough another glass wall appeared next to me. I turned to my right again and started to watch the scene.

I looked at my younger self and it looked like I had to be two years old. I wobbled into the family room with a toy in my hand. My dad was sitting on the couch with a beer in grip.

My dad looked down at me as I plopped down on the floor. "Why don't you make yourself useful and get me a beer from the kitchen." He told me.

He looked at him confused. "Whats beer?" He mumbled. I felt so sad watching this but I couldn't escape my gaze.

"This dumb shit!" My dad threw the beer bottle at me, luckily it missed but it shattered. "Get me another one you dumbass."

I watched my younger self scramble to their feet and started to quickly go into the kitchen. He opened the fridge, and my heart sank when I saw no food for younger me and just alcohol.

Little me waddled back into the family room and handed my dad the bottle. My dad opened it but he did something that shocked me. "George why don't you take a sip." My dad held the beer to my lips.

He took a sip of it and instantly made my face turn into a disgusted look. "Icky." He said as he wiped his lips.

I started to walk away and walk towards another glass wall. I looked through it and realized it was a new setting, it was a different house that made me grow a smile.

I was sitting on the couch with a biscuit in my hand and soon a sound came from the other room and suddenly a man walked into the frame and I instantly knew who it was.

"Hey George." The man crouched in front off me. "I hope you have a wonderful birthday and I have a gift for you." My eyes lit up. He pulled a box out of his pocket and showed it to me. When he opened the box it revealed a gold chain.

I quickly started to touch my neck and realized I still had it on. I looked back at the glass screen to see my uncle putting the chain around younger me on my neck.

"Its pretty." I mumbled as I started to play with it even though I was still around my neck. "Thank you so much." I had to admit I was pretty well mannered back then.

"Its your birthday you deserve a gift, you're the greatest nephew anyone could ask for." My uncle said, which made both me and my younger self smile.

I wish he could see me, I wanted him to see I was still here, Im away from my parents and I continue to wear the same chain but he couldn't see me.

I started to walk away and instantly saw another glass wall. I turned to face it and I saw myself, around eight years old walked down the streets at night. "Oh no." I whispered to myself as I continued to watch.

He started to walk in the street instead of the sidewalk. He looked like he was crying, and it broke my heart.

He was wearing all black so it was hard to see him in the darkness. He had bruises all over him, including all across his face.

I wanted to break down the glass and stop him but I couldn't. I started to see headlight go down the road, towards the young boy. It came closer and closer until it hit him. The car swerved to the other side of the road and soon the car turned off. Two people rushed to the body on the ground, checking for a pulse. One started to call 911 in hopes he was still alive. "Oh my god." The lady repeated.

"Its going to be okay, the ambulance will come here soon." The man kneeled next to the body. The man lifted up the black hoodie to see all the bruises. "These don't look new." He pointed to them.

"We just hit him with our car and you expected him not to have bruises on him." She looked so sad about the situation.

"But these look older, do you think he could have been getting abused?" The man questioned, and he was incredibly right.

"It's probably from our car stop trying to make shit up this situation is already bad enough." The lady stated.

I was trying to watch but a noise made me jump, it was sniffling coming from down the hallway. I started to walk towards the sound and I saw complete blackness. I started to walk into the no light area and I soon saw a boy, it was me.

I had to be around 10 years old, I started to walk up to my younger self. He turned to face me and I could see the stained tear marks on his cheek. I looked at his hand and it was an eyebrow razor, oh shit.

"Hey." I spoke quietly and I crouched in front of him. "Are you George?" I asked which the boy in front of me nodded. "I'm also George." I decided to sit down. "Sit with me, why don't we talk." He sat down in front of me.

"What do you mean you're me? I'm me." The boy spoke which made me laugh a bit. He placed the razor down on the ground.

I instantly took it away from him which made him look at me confused. "Never use these the way you did again, please it never ended well." He nodded. "How are you? I know you're going through stuff but there has to be something good."

"Nothing good." He said. "How come I'm young and you're, well old?" He tried not to sound rude but he was right.

"I woke up and I ended in this tunnel and somehow I watched parts of my life since I was young." I showed him my chain. "I still wear it." We both smiled. "I know nothing is good now but you should know when you get older it gets so much better. You live with two guys, one being your boyfriend."

"I'm gay?!" He questioned me, at first that is quite young to know what gay is. I nodded. "So I like men and stuff like that?"

"Just this one guy." I reasoned. "His name is Clay but everyone calls him Dream. We live in Florida now, we moved away from England when we were thirteen." I rolled up my sleeve to show a partially heeled arm. "You finally see therapy for self harm, it took a while to stop but you feel so much happier after." He rolled up his sleeve to see fresh cuts. "Stop it while you're at it. You know your roommate will have a baby soon. And I know you don't have good parents but guess what, your friend's parents will practically be your own. Especially Karl's parents, they help you out so much and Dream's parents love you so much, more than Dream."

He started to laugh. "People actually love us?" I nodded which made his so happy. "Wait so we are a uncle at." He didn't know my age.

"I'm nineteen, I actually turned nineteen today. But yes we are, and we are going to be the best uncle ever. Even though your roommate Sapnap wont tell anyone if its a boy or a girl."

"Sapnap?" He questioned. "Does everyone we are friends with have weird names or is it just me?"

"I thought the exact same thing, its something with a friend of theirs, they all made up nicknames. Like Quackity."

He was going to say something I just knew it. But I woke up and I was in my bed, it was all a dream. No I still wanted to talk to him.

It was over.

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