Chapter 47: Talks

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"I'm back!" Sapnap yelled as he ran into George's room. "The helper told me how to cover your hickies." Sapnap handed George the products and both of them walked into the bathroom.

"Thanks man but can you hurry this up I got to get to my interview." George put down everything and started to take it out of the bag.

"I hope you get that job." Sapnap laughed as he started to apply the makeup to George's neck. "At least yours aren't as bad as Dream's"

"Yeah yeah hurry up I got to get dressed." George rushed Sapnap. They stood there for five minutes and then Sapnap finally finished. "Thank you." George walked out of the bathroom and went into his closet then he realized that the email told him he had to wear a suit. "Sapnap can I borrow a suit from you?"

"Uh yeah sure. Do you not have one?" George nodded to answer Sapnap's question. The two walked out of George's room and into Sapnap's. Sapnap walked into his closet picking out a suit. Since they were the same size he didn't worry about it not fitting George.

"Thank you." George walked into the bathroom with the suit changing into it. George had to admit he looked pretty good with it on.

When George walked out Sapnap's jaw dropped. "Man you look hot as fuck!" Sapnap joked around. George rolled his eyes at him in a joking manner.

They walked into the kitchen and George started to make a protein shake before he left. George felt someone hug him from behind. "Hey Dream."

"You look great." Dream mumbled into George's neck.

"Ew you two need to get a room." Karl came into the kitchen, Quackity following behind him laughing. "At this point you two should get married. Sapnap good job on covering their necks."

"Some chick that worked at the cvs told me how to do it. Plus she gave me her number." Sapnap laughed.

"You better not fucking text her, Allison will kill you and I will help her you dumbass." Dream told Sapnap.

"I could beat the shit out of you Dream." Sapnap laughed. "I already done that." Sapnap bragged even though Dream could beat Sapnap's ass.

George looked at the clock realizing he had to leave. "Shit I got to go, bye idiots." George ran out of the house.

"I got to go." Karl told the group as he walked out of the kitchen and Quackity followed behind him after he said goodbye.

"I'm going to go to my room for a bit, if you need me just come in." Sapnap walked away going to his room. "By the way you're going to school tomorrow. You're not skipping again."

Dream heard the door shut. He opened the fridge to grab a water but he felt something in his gut that was off. He put back his water and grabbed two beers and started to walk into Sapnap's room.

When he entered he saw Sapnap laying down on his bed and just staring at his ceiling. "Are you okay Sap?" Dream walked over to his bed and laid next to him.

Sapnap looked at Dream. "Ever since I took George to smoke weed he started acting weird and now what happened last night I know I caused that and I'm so fucking sorry."

"You didn't cause shit. I promised I wouldn't tell someone but since you saw that I think you should know. George has been doing that shit for eight years and I knew for a while and he always said he was too nervous to see a therapist but hopefully he can stop."

"What did you do with the blades?" Sapnap questioned Dream. Dream gave him a confused stare. "You took the blades last night so where did you put them?"

"Oh yeah I threw them away." Dream moved his head back up to face the ceiling. "I made sure to throw them away outside so he wouldn't get hold of them."

"I was about to ask you that." Sapnap laughed. "Does Quackity and Karl know about him doing that stuff?" Sapnap questioned.

"No they don't." Dream sighed. "I should have set up a therapy appointment for him a while ago. If I did that George would be better."

"Well Dream you didn't because you wanted him to he happy in the moment. Don't blame yourself for that, now is really when he needs it. Its not your fault that he continued."

"But no one else knew and I could have helped him stop." Dream sighed. "I'm a fucking horrible boyfriend."

Sapnap placed his hand on Dream's shoulder. "You seem to be an amazing boyfriend to George. He fucking loves you man. He doesn't like you he actually loves you, im being deadass."

Dream couldn't help but laugh. "Does he actually love me?" Dream turned to Sapnap who nodded. Dream started to blush widely.

"You have to admit that you love him too." Sapnap told Dream.

"I really do." Dream laughed. "He's fucking perfect man, everything he fucking does makes me go feral. How can a man be this fucking perfect Sap, how is it even possible?"

"Its George he always acts perfect." Sapnap looked at Dreams hand to see beer. "You brought beer but you didn't think to tell me."

Dream handed Sapnap a beer. "So Sap when the fuck did you take George to smoke weed?" Dream questioned which Sapnap just awkwardly laughed.

"The day you went to Karl's." Sapnap laughed again. "Trust me George was fine, he was only a little bit high. The only thing remotely wrong was him seeing shapes and shit."

"You two are idiots." Dream laughed. They both started to drink their beers. "Sapnap you know how George's birthday is in November?" Sapnap nodded. "I'm going to give him my ring."

Sapnap sat up and faced Dream, sitting criss cross. "Are you actually!?" Sapnap sounded so excited. "Dude thats insane."

"I plan on giving the sapphire one, since blue is his favorite color and he can actually see it. Also he seems to like that one better."

"Wow aren't you two the perfect couple." Sapnap joked around. "So when are you two going to tell the internet about you two?"

"When George wants to." Dream sat up. "He seems to be fine with telling more people now but I don't want to push it."

"Fair." Sapnap started to drink his beer again. "But Dream wouldn't it be nice to go out in public and not care if people see you with George?"

"It would be great but I need to talk to George." Dream relaxed. "So what was that stream idea you had with Allison?"

"She's going to bring food here that she's been craving. Dude I watched someone else do that type of stream and the shit they eat is insane."

"Cool." Dream laughed. "Do you know when she's coming?" Sapnap told him pretty soon. "How has she been?"

"She's been good so far. She's starting to hit her rough point but she's been pretty normal." Sapnap smiled. "I'm hoping she has a boy."

"Yeah that would be cool." Dream stated.

"Whats wrong?" Sapnap looked at him. "Dude I'm having a kid, you have to be some form of happy for me."

"I am its just." Dream froze, he didn't want to cause a fight with Sapnap. "Its nothing." Dream stood up. "I'm going to make dinner."

Dream walked into the kitchen and started pulling out ingredients then he realized he didn't know what to make so he decided on chicken, George's favorite.

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