Chapter 36: Clean

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"Dream ive been meaning to ask you something." Sapnap spoke. It was only them two in the house since George left to go and 'get something'. "You should tell at-least your parents about what happened. They deserve to know"

"Not when they wont believe me." Dream snapped back. "Also if Cindy finds out that I told them she's going to kill them. I don't want her to do that."

"She wont do that. Listen Dream." Sapnap took a sip of his water bottle. "I'm sure since you are older I think they will start to understand. Parents seem to listen when you become older."

"Wow you have such a good relationship with your parents." Dream said sarcastically. "But they wont do anything about it."

"If I heard my son got raped by my assistant I would fire the assistant in a heartbeat, and your parents better do the same." Sapnao stood up from the stool and walked over to the other side of the island that Dream was leaning on, standing right next to him. "What she did was horrible, and your parents need to see that."

"So how do I tell them? Oh hey mom and dad you know how you always say I'm faking that Cindy is a fucked up person well she raped me so take that." Dream stated sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"Hey no need to get shitty on me, I'm just trying to help. You go up to your parents and say how you need to have a conversation with them and than tell them what had happened."

"You sure they will believe me?" Dream turned to look at Sapnap. He received a nod which made Dream smile a bit. "Thanks Idiot."

"Thats what non-biological brothers do." The two bursted into laughter. "Also when you go to your parents house make sure you come home with groceries, it's your turn."

"I will. Do you want anything other than what we normally get? I already asked George yesterday but I don't think i got to ask you."

"I'm good." Sapnap walked away from the island so he can grab his phone off of the counter. "I'm probably going to Allison's today."

"Are you sure you didn't know her before?" Sapnap shook his head at what Dream said. "You two seem awfully close for people who just knocked up each-other in a club.

"Dream she is having my kid. I'm really nervous but its going good at the end of everything, and Allison is a nice girl." Sapnap remembered something he had to tell Dream. "Guess what happened! My mom texted me asking if I could help her set a date for her."

"With who?" Dream busted into laughter. He had insults about Sapnap's mom that he wanted to blurt out but he tried to not say them.

Sapnap let out a small laugh. "I don't even know, that was the first time she texted me since I told her about Allison. I don't want to do it but I fucking have to or my ass is grass."

"Ass is grass." Dream spoke between another laugh. Sapnap slapped Dream on the shoulder which only made him laugh even harder.

Sapnap couldn't hold in his laugh anymore as he started to burst. "I can see why my mom hates you." Sapnap laughed even harder.

"Technically thats not the reason why your mother hates me. I'm shocked she doesn't hate you since all you do is flirt with Karl." Dream joked. "Before you fucked Allison you were all over Karl. Kind of hard to believe you aren't gay."

"Shut up." Sapnap hit Dream again. "If you never flirt with your friends, do you even have any friends?"

"I don't share beds with my friends!" Dream looked disgusted. "What if they have some disease and they didn't tell you about it."

"You share a bed with George." Sapnap argued back. "Oh what happened to George, no offense to him but he looked like shit."

"Yeah i noticed that. I don't really know. He went out in a hurry too which he seems like he would try to delay shit."

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