Chapter 50: Plan

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(Dream's POV)

My alarm went off that woke me up, I looked around to see me in George's bed with him holding onto my waist, he looks so handsome right now. I grab my rings and slide them on my fingers and then grab my phone. I looked at Instagram to see nothing really. I looked up at the tv which is still playing movies we were watching.

I shifted out if George's grip and started to make my way out of his room and into mine to get ready. I walked in and saw Karl sleeping in my bed, I laughed it off as I walked into my bathroom. I started to do my typical shit like brushing my teeth and stuff.

When I finished I walked into my closet and picked out a normal outfit. I walked out of the room and walked over to my desk to grab my bag. I left the room and went into the kitchen and left out cat food for Patches.

I rushed out of the house because I was running late for school, even though I didn't want to go. Who the fuck wants to go to school on a fucking Monday?


"I'm back!" I yelled as I walked back into the house. I threw my bag by the front door and I walked into the living room, laying down on the couch.

"Hey Dream." George walked into the room. George took a seat next to me. "How was school?" He asked me.

I looked up at him with a smile. "Shit." We both laughed. "But now I feel better since I saw you." I flirted. "Hey I'm going to go to my parents house in a bit, I have to talk to them about something coming up."

"Cool tell them i said hi." George smiled as he laid down too, laying his head on my chest. I placed my hand in his hair and that made him blush.

"Where is Sapnap and Karl?" I asked realizing the house was awfully quiet.

"Well Karl went back to his house and Sapnap is helping Allison, Sapnap said her due date is in a couple weeks."

"Aw thats nice." I smiled. "I still don't like Sapnap for knocking up some random stranger at a club." I told George.

"Understandable." He laughed. "Sapnap will be a good father, he'll probably spoil that kid to no end." George stated.

"Did they tell you the gender because it's awfully late to just figure it out?" I questioned George.

"They're telling us when the baby is born, I bet its a boy." George cuddled more into me. "You are very good looking you know."

"You look better." I flirted again. The front door opened so I looked back to see Quackity standing there. "Hey Quackity."

"Hey." He walked over to the couch we were laying on and say in an open area. "Can you two not act super gay for five fucking minutes?"

"I'll pass." I laughed. "How is living on your own coming along?" I asked him which he shrugged. "I still don't get why you moved out of Karl's place."

"I just wanted to live alone." Quackity grabbed the remote off of the coffee table, turning on some random cartoon.

We collectively sat there and watched those cartoons all day long. I looked down at my phone and it was already eight pm. "Do you guys want pizza?"

"Yes ask for extra pepperoni!" Quackity agreed. I started to order the pizza making sure to fulfill Quackity's request.

I realized I had to go to my parents, my eyes widened as I sprung up from the couch. "Shit I have to leave bye." I ran out of the house and quickly to my car.

I started to drive to my parents house in a hurry because this will probably be a long conversation to have. Twenty minutes passed and I pulled into the driveway. I parked my car and walked by the front door, trying to figure which key is this house. I finally found the right one as I opened the door. I walked in to see my parents new assistant grabbing her bag. "Hey Gia." I greeted her.

She greeted herself too but told me she was in a rush to get home so we said our goodbyes as she left the house. I walked into the family room to see my parents watching a movie. They didn't know I was there so I tapped on my mom's shoulder which made her jump in his seat. When she saw it was me she immediately hugged me. "You scared me to death."

"Sorry." I laughed as I let go of the hug and I walked up to my dad. He hugged me too. "Hey dad." I walked around the couch and sat on the other side of the couch.

"Is everything okay?" My dad asked me but I just smiled as I took the sapphire ring off of my ring finger.

I tossed the ring to him which he caught effortlessly. "I want to give that to someone." I told him. "You said I could give it to someone I love and I know who I want to give it to."

My dad smiled too. "If it isn't George you aren't allowed to give it away yet." I reassured him that it was George. Before my dad could say anything else he was interrupted.

"Dream why the fuck are you here." Drista sat down next to me but she looked at my mom who had a certain facial expression. "Fine." She grabbed five dollars out of her pocket and gave it to my mom, then she sat next to me.

My dad handed me the ring back and I slid it on my ring finger again. "Dream are you getting married." Drista joked.

"Yes I am and we're going to move to Hawaii and we are never coming back here ever again." Drista laughed at my sarcasm. "And you wont ever see me again."

Drista punched my shoulder while laughing. "If you're moving to Hawaii I'm hiding in your suitcase, Hawaii is so much better than Florida."

"Have you ever been to Hawaii?" I questioned but she shook her head no. I looked at my dad. "I'm going to grab a water." I walked over to the kitchen but i sensed someone following me, at first I thought it was Drista but it was my dad.

He took a seat at the island. I opened the fridge and grabbed two waters for me and him. I walked to the other side of the island and handed my dad the water. "So Clay do you know how you're going to give this ring away? It has to he meaningful Clay."

"I know I have an idea." I told him. "His birthday is the first so in a couple days so I had an idea of taking to the place we had our first kiss and give it to him there."

"Thats a nice idea." He told me as he drunk his water. "I have a question for you though, do you think he will want your ring?"

He always seemed to like my ring. "I think he will." I smile. "I already told Sapnap he keeps thinking we are getting married."

"What did Sapnap get for George?" My dad asked me.

"I don't quite know he never told me what he did get. All he said was it was very expensive and stuff like that."

"I'm not shocked Sapnap told you about the price only." My dad laughed. "Oh Clay tell Sapnap he has to go to the club on Coach Street tomorrow night. And no the security guards wont let minors including you in."

"Fuck." I said under my breath which made my dad laugh again. "And I will tell Sapnap when I get home, if he is even there."

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