Chapter 25: Sister

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Tw: mentions suicide
Before starting if you feel like you want to commit suicide please seek help, you are amazing.

George and Dream walked into their house. They noticed two people staring at them. George pretended to not acknowledge them as he walked to his room, his boyfriend followed behind him. He shut the door behind both of them as they laid down on George's bed. They kept distance just incase someone tried entering. "Can we watch another movie?" George asked grabbing the remote off of his nightstand

"We watched three at Karl's do you really want to watch another?" Dream questioned going under the covers, only having his head peaking out.

"Yes i do and you can't be laying down in my bed when people are here." George turned on the tv. He realized Dream didn't move from where he was laying. "That means you get up and sit on top of it so it looks like we are normal."

"I look normal you don't." Dream argued, moving closer to the other. Dream saw George frown. "You're still hot."

"Dream back away please. When they leave you can hug me but they are here and they will probably come in here."

Dream backed up a bit putting on a fake frown. "When they leave you owe me." Dream escaped from under the covers, sitting on top of them.

As soon as George was going to answer the door flung open, revealing Quackity and Claudia. "Why are you guys in my room?" George questioned

"We need to talk George." Claudia walked over to his side of the bed. "I told Quackity about the time you tried to-"

"I already know." George cut her off. "I thought we all forgot about that but you didn't have to go telling people. Remember what we promised? Don't tell a soul."

"The sad thing is you can just act like that was a normal thing!" Claudia looked in disbelief at how calm her brother was.

"Maybe because I'm better now." George stood up, walking past them.

"You know you aren't!" She made George pause in his tracks. "Trying to kill yourself every year isn't normal! You tried last year also. You've been trying for seven years!

George looked around realizing Quackity and Dream were still in the room. "Shut the fuck up!"

"You're eighteen now George, are you going to make it eight years?" Claudia crossed the line. "You put all of us in constant worry that you should just give us a reason too be!"

The atmosphere was heavy in the room. Dream and Quackity didn't know if they should intervene or stay quiet. They all noticed something in that moment, George's eyes became glossy. George never cried in-front of anyone. He sat there holding in everything, he cant cry now. "If you're going to continue being a prick just leave." George held in his tears. Hearing this come from his sister hurt.

"You know George." Claudia walked up right in-front of him. "You are the exactly the kid i knew seven years ago. You try pushing away everything so you don't have to own up to anything."

"What is there to own up to?! I tried killing myself multiple times is that what you wanted to hear?! Or did you want to hear that i still try!?" George yelled back at her. Quackity covered his mouth in shock. George felt bad for the two who stood quiet. "Quackity and Dream if you want to leave you guys can."

The two excepted the offer as they started walking out of the room. Dream stopped right by George and placed his hand on his shoulder "When you're done meet me in my room." Dream whispered, continuing to walk away.

"George you need help!" Claudia screamed. "You don't just go trying to kill yourself! You don't have a reason! You are living in this nice house for free, you have many friends who fucking care about you so why do you fucking try!?"

"Maybe because ive been forced to live with people who wanted me dead and you fucking left. What was i supposed to do when everyone that i was surrounded by hates me?!"

"You know i would have taken you with me if i had the option!" Claudia argued.

"You know that was bullshit! You think I didn't know that you got asked and you said no!? You want to
talk about how i should get help but then you lied to me about the one thing that could have made me better."

"Who the hell told you that!?" She knew sho got caught, but she didn't know how to react. "That is not what happened."

"Then what did happen?!" George screamed. "You think I'm so dumb. You think i didn't hear you talking to aunt Marie?!"

"Why were you listening to people's conversations weirdo!"


"This is all my fault." Quackity rubbed tears away from his eyes. "I shouldn't have asked questions."

Dream sat next to the boy, hugging him. "Don't blame yourself. Everything is going to be okay. Its just normal sibling fights, it happens. Its not your fault."

"But it is my fault Dream. They shouldn't be fighting right now." Quackity looked up at the guy that was hugging him. "And i shouldn't be crying in your room right now."

"You can let it all out I'm not going to judge." Dream felt arms tightening around him as his shirt got covered in tears. "Everything is going to be okay."

"But i don't even know who's side to choose. Its my girlfriend fighting my best friend. You are so lucky you don't have to listen to fighting today."

"You don't have to choose a side Quackity. If they try asking you later which side you were on, if they were a good friend and girlfriend they would understand you not choosing. And say if Claudia gets mad at you thats where you would need to talk to her, and same with George."

"I feel like they would get mad at me." Quackity tried pushing away his sobs but it didn't work. So he buried his head into Dream's chest to muffle out the sound. "They are the nicest people ever and i caused this whole fight."

"You didn't cause this Quackity." Dream kept rubbing his back. He hated seeing Quackity crying. He had seen everyone cry, except George, at some point but for some reason Quackity's hurt the most. He reminded himself what Karl shared but he couldn't help feeling entirely bad for Quackity. Yes thats another conversation to have with both of them but Dream cant change his opinion on Quackity that fast.


An hour passed and there was a loud slam echoing through the house. "What was that?" Quackity shot a stare at the door.

"I'm guessing everything is over." Dream stood up and started walking to his door. He realized Quackity stayed on the bed. "Do you want to stay here?"

Quackity just nodded. Dream continued walking out of the room. He knew George wasn't in his room so he went straight to the kitchen. His instincts were right as he saw George leaning against the counters, hands over his face. He wasn't crying, it was more of a disbelief situation then a crying situation. George looked up at the presence with a scared look. "I'm so sorry for everything. I- I-" George couldn't finish his statement

"George please don't apologize. None of this was because of you." Dream walked over to him, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Don't blame yourself for this."

"But it is my fault! If i wasn't dumb none of us would be in this situation!" George grabbed the hand that was laid on him and pushed it off. "I'm sorry but everything that has been happening for the past week has been my fault!"

Dream took a step closer and wrapped his arms around the boy. George sunk into the hug enjoying the feeling. "George trust me she shouldn't have acted like that. That wasn't your fault at all."

"Thanks." George's voice was muffled from the hug but his words were understandable. "Where's Quackity?"

"He's in my room. Just whatever you do don't mention anything about their conversation." Dream rested his hand on George's head

"Can we stay like this for a minute?" George tightened his grip. "I'm too comfortable like this. Also this counts as your hugs for the night."

"No it doesn't." Dream protested as rested his own head on the others. He replaced his hand on the other's back. "You're sleeping in my room tonight."

"No I'm not."

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