Chapter 45: Relax

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No one knew what to say, especially George. So what does any typical eighteen year old do when they don't know how to react to something? Drink.

He walked over to the fridge and grabbed a beer out of it. "I'll be in Dream's room if you need me." George told the group before he walked off.

"Dream go talk to him." Karl told him.

"He seems like he wants to be alone right now, Karl. I'll talk to him later when he is better." Dream didn't want to bother George.

"He doesn't want to be alone." Karl said. "If he wanted to be alone he wouldn't have went into your room. That's how he signal to us that he wants to talk to someone. If he wanted to be alone he would be in his room right now."

Dream had to admit Karl seemed right, like it all made sense. Dream walked out of the kitchen and went straight to his room. He shut the door behind him as he walked over to the bed, sitting next to George.

George looked at Dream and he looked back, Dream exchanged a smile but George only grinned. "Clay do you have a cigarette?"

Dream was shocked on what George asked but he did have one. He grabbed a box out of his nightstand and handed a cig to George with a lighter. Dream stood up from the bed and walked to a window, opening it. He walked back over to the bed and sat next to George, leaning his head on the brunette's shoulder. "You're not going to end up like your dad, don't listen to her."

George rested his hand in the boy's hair. "She's probably right though. My whole family is shitty people and its bound to catch up to me." George took a puff of the cigarette, and took a sip of the beer. "I'm going to end up like him."

"Trust me you're not." Dream chuckled. "And trust me if you were going to end up like him me and Sapnap will set you straight."

George handed the cigarette to Dream offering it to him. Dream took a puff of it and handed back to George. "I'm sorry for ruining today."

"George you didn't ruin anything, your sister was being an asshole." Dream held George's open hand. "George I really like you."

"I like you too." George took another puff of the cigarette. "Clay I've been meaning to tell you something. I filled out an application for a job."

"Oh where you going to work at?" Dream questioned looking up at the boy.

"Well I haven't gotten the job yet so I don't know if I got it. But I'm trying to be a waiter for this high paying place."

"Oh wow where?" Dream rubbed George's hand. "Also if you get the job you better give us free food." The two laughed.

"Some restaurant called Gold Harbor. Luckily its walking distance so I don't need a license. They have a great pay and I can finally help with the bills."

"Oh Gold Harbor has amazing food." He looked at the tv which was still playing the same show. "You know I'm able to cover the bills on my own so don't get a job just to pay for the bills."

"I need something to do, keep my mind off shit. Its boring just sitting here I guess. And also if I'm getting paid a good amount I'm fucking doing it."

"You should become a stripper if you want money." Dream joked but George flipped him off. "Can I have a sip of your beer?"

"Yeah sure." George handed him the beer and Dream thanked him. Dream started to drink the beer, then he handed it back to George.

There was a knock at the door and soon the door opened to reveal Sapnap. "We just ordered a pizza, are you okay George."

"Yeah I'm fine!" He smiled but he lied, one thing he learned in life if to lie your ass off. "She's an ass that's all."

"Yeah she is." He laughed as he sat at the foot of the bed facing the two. "Pass me that cigarette dumbass." George handed the man the cigarette. "Thanks Slutty Waist."

Sapnap tried to bring up George's mood and it worked because George started to laugh. "Why the fuck do you keep on calling me Slutty Waist? My waist if fucking normal you idiot." George received the cigarette back. "You should be called Slut fucker."

Dream bursted into laughter as Sapnap flipped off both of them. "You two are assholes. Oh shit I should probably check in with Allison."

"She can survive a day man." Dream sat more up and removed his head off of George's shoulder. "Does she even want to keep the baby?"

"I brought up the idea of abortion but she seemed mad about the idea so I guess she wants to keep it. I wish she fucking got rid of it, even her parents told her that abortion was a good option."

"You cant force her to have an abortion but you could try hinting it to her that it would be a better option." George told him.

There was another knock on the door then two boys hustled into the room, flopping down on the bed. Quackity looked at the couple laughing. "So you two fucked?"


"Pizza's here!" Karl ran into the room with two pizza boxes. He dropped the boxes on Dream's bed taking his seat next to Sapnap.

The boxes were opened and everyone grabbed slice of pizza. They ate the pizza while they continued watching their show.

"Dream give me your Netflix password, I can't log into my account anymore." Karl told Dream. "I'll pay you back."

"I just bought a family plan so I can just add an account for you. Give me your phone." Karl tossed Dream his phone. Dream went into Netflix and typed in his email and password then made Karl and account. "Quackity I'm making you an account too because i know if i don't you will complain."

When Dream was done he tossed the phone back to Karl. "You think they got porn on Netflix?" Quackity asked.

"They got this show that has tons of tits and sex." Sapnap laughed. "Everything single episode there is someone having sex."

"That girl is hot." Quackity pointed at Mandy. "Is there and sex scenes with her in it? I would love to see that."

"There was one last episode, her and Lip." Dream told Quackity. "And before you ask there was tits in the scene."

"Lets fucking go. Turn that shit on!" Quackity laughed.

"Not now I'm invested on what's happening now." Sapnap told him. "You can masterbait to Mandy later."

"I'm not going to masterbait to her, she's just hot as fuck." Quackity grabbed a pillow and thew it at Sapnap's head.


Everyone was asleep. George's eyes bursted open. He had a craving feeling in his wrists. He got out of Dream's grasp and started to walk to his room, shutting the door. He walked over to his bathroom and opened his drawer to reveal a box of blades.

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