Chapter 23: Shower me in Complements

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Will this be a lovey dovey chapter? Yes duh. This mainly focuses in dnf (wait why did i write that?)

Just enjoy. Also thank you for 300 reads that's actually insane!

"Why is there people crowding the restaurant with cameras?" George looked scared at the amount of cameras pointing the car

"Tons of celebrities go to this restaurant so people camp out here. They all seem to love me when i come here." Dream laughed gripping the back of the head-rest

"Oh no." George watched as all the cameras started flashing at him. One thing George hated was people

"Whats wrong?" Dream watched the boy start picking at his skin. "Do you want to find somewhere else? I'm completely fine with going somewhere else."

"No I'm good its just i don't work well with cameras." George watched as Dream slowed the car down only a tiny bit so they could make the turn into the parking lot

"Just stay close to me and by the looks of it some people have microphones so avoid questions as best as you can. Just follow my lead i promise everything will be okay." Dream pulled into a parking spot. He looked through the review mirror seeing people run to his car.

The two speedily exited the car, walking swiftly to the restaurant before being stoped by about one hundred people with cameras and microphones.

"Mr Wastaken" was repeated by the people following along with hundreds of questions. It felt like they were a wall that wasn't passable.

"Mr Wastaken is this your boyfriend?" One female said pointing a microphone right in-front of Dream.

"No he isnt but we really need to get into the restaurant for an important reason so can we please go." Dream nudged through reporters making sure George was following. They reached the entrance of the restaurant, Dream pulled the door open letting George walk in first. He closed the door behind him walking inside the calm restaurant. The two walked up to the podium where Dream recognized the girl standing behind it. "Hey Sophia can I get a table for two please? Is Amelia working tonight?"

"I will put you in Amelia's section. She's been wondering where you have been lately. You haven't came here in three months. Where have you been?"

"Ive been busy these past months." Dream looked back through the glass doors to see more people taking photos. "How are you dealing with them?"

"Its torture! They keep bombarding everyone with questions like shut the fuck up."

"Hello Dream I can take you guys now." A girl with silky black hair, around 5"5, and average weight. It reminded George of his mom, only if she tried.

"Hey Amelia this is George." They all started walking to an empty booth. George waved as a respectful gesture

"Nice to meet you George." She was soft spoken which George liked, it felt comforting. He smiled as both of the two boys took a seat across from each other. Menus were placed in-front of them and then Amelia walked away to other tables

"George you look tired." Dream watched George rub his eyes groggily. "You okay?"

"I didn't sleep well and those people outside kind of freaked me out." George took a deep breath before relaxing in his seat. "I'm starting to feel better." George noticed Dream smiling at him. "What?" George's British accent made the other laugh.

"You look great even though you're tired." Dream complemented. He felt like the luckiest guy in the world to date George. He craved the sound of George's voice. George buried his face in his hands, hiding his blush. Dream heard a muffled 'shut up' come from the latter. "I'm serious George. You look amazing."

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