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Present time...

It was supposed to be an ordinary day today, before fate turned it upside down and messed with Seokjin's life. Again. An unwelcome call suddenly blinked on Seokjin's phone that morning.

Jeon Jungkook!

Seokjin sighed and reluctantly picked it up.

"Hi Jin, how have you been doing? ... Um, just wanna let you know that I'm planning to propose to Taehyung tonight... So, yeah..." Jungkook—-Taehyung's boyfriend of two years—-informed him. Some part out of respect for Taehyung's closest friend. Another part was to boast that he will claim Taehyung to be his lover forever, and set a clear boundary for Seokjin to stay away from his soon-to-be fiance.

From the outside, Seokjin might seem to take it calmly. He cheerfully offered Jungkook congratulations, wished him all the best for their relationship ahead, asked what engagement gift he would want.

But deep inside, he was crushed badly...

Nothing frightened him more than the thought of losing Taehyung forever. With Jungkook and Taehyung being engaged, he would lose his last hope. There was no light at the end of his tunnel.

It was over....



"Oppa, are you still there? You sound off, what happened?" Binna—-the girl Seokjin's had been dating for six months—-asked in concern when she called him that afternoon.

"Uh, I'm okay, Baby. I'll see you at the restaurant?" Seokjin replied, confirming their date tonight.

"... Yeah.... yeah... Sure..." Binna brushed off her unsettled feelings of why Seokjin sounded particularly odd and not focused today.

Seokjin closed his phone. His mind was still wandering and digesting Jungkook's words....

I'm planning to propose to Taehyung tonight...

His head was sick as hell. His heart was even more so. Those words... Those exact words kept playing in his head over and over again... When he turned off his computer by the end of that day... When he pushed an elevator button... When he clocked out of his office... When he walked to the parking lot....

When a speeding motorcycle hit him violently...

When he fell hard onto the rough surface of the road... When he heard those bones crack... When he flinched and closed his eyes...


That physical pain was nothing compared to his heartache right now.


His broken leg felt nothing compared to his broken heart....


Seokjin laid helpless on the road, groaning in agony... "Taehyunga..."

His last wall finally broke. His tears streamed down...

He was tired. Tired of waiting, tired of chasing, tired of battling with fate and time that never seemed to align with his wish. Should he just give up now? He had nothing left anyway... He had lost his precious Taehyung to someone else...


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