Chapter 5: Jungkook

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Taehyung finished loading all his stuff into Seokjin's car he had borrowed this morning. Not much. He left many unnecessary things in his-and-Jungkook's shared apartment and only brought some essential ones, such as clothes.

"I'm so sorry, Kook." He said once again. He really was. Nevertheless, he felt guilty that they ended up like this—-not really on good terms.

"Good luck, Tae!" Jungkook raised his beer-can apathetically. "I heard Binna broke up with Jin, too." He gulped his drink. "Tck! Heh...!" He clicked his tongue and snickered bitterly.

Taehyung clenched his jaw. Jungkook must've thought that Taehyung couldn't wait to run to Seokjin once Jin was finally single. Yes, he always harbored feelings toward Seokjin, but that was not the entire truth. In Taehyung's mind, this situation right now was just a mere coincidence. He felt like he wasn't ready to be tied to Jungkook anyway, so he might not say yes to the proposal in the first place. Seokjin's accident was just... a little push. And then, Binna suddenly left Jin for the reason he didn't even know. So...

Well, Taehyung was at fault anyway, therefore he had no say about how Jungkook should or should not treat him. He deserved it somehow.


But that was not what Jungkook thought...

About six months ago, Taehyung suddenly went home drunk, then he locked himself in the bathroom for about one hour. Jungkook was confused and worried at the same time. What had happened?


No answers. Just a faint sob from the inside. Taehyung was crying.

What made him this devastated, though? Why did he sound so broken and miserable?

"Tae..." He knocked again but got no answer.

Jungkook sat in front of the bathroom door, waiting for Taehyung to come around. He grabbed his cell phone out of boredom and scrolled down his Instagram...

.... until he saw a picture of Kim Seokjin...

... and his new girlfriend....

Posted just hours ago.

Jungkook sighed. So that was why Taehyung drank and cried... Tsk! It was always like this. Two years being together was not enough for Jungkook to entirely scrape Seokjin clean from Taehyung's mind. There was always a space Taehyung stored for Jin in his deepest heart. The way Taehyung looked at Seokjin with those heart eyes and adoring smiles... The way he lovingly uttered Jin's name... The way he talked about him with so much affection every single time... The way Taehyung's face lit up for the mere sight of Jin, for every simple text Jin sent him....For all their sweet memories they had shared in the past…

Jungkook was already lost from the start.


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