Chapter 6: Home

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"Welcome home, Hyung!" Taehyung pushed Jin's wheelchair into the house. Jin smiled. Taehyung had put his belongings in the guest bedroom earlier this noon and Seokjin couldn't be happier to anticipate them living together.

It still felt like a dream for him. Having Taehyung here, every day, every night, without having to share with others.

Wasn't love selfish sometimes?

I think I'll allow myself to be selfish right now. I overlook Binna's and Jungkook's feelings to have Taehyung by my side.

"Come on, Hyung, let's get you settled nice and comfy." Taehyung took Jin into his bedroom, helped him to move from the wheelchair onto the bed with extra care, and pulled a blanket over his legs. Seokjin always had to have a blanket on when he was sleeping. It was just his habit. Right now was no different.

"What do you want for dinner, Hyung? I'll order takeout online." Taehyung slid himself onto the bed beside Jin and lay on his stomach. He started to scroll down on his cell phone.

"I'll eat just about anything. I hate hospital food..." He grumbled.

Taehyung giggled. "A foodie like you was forced to eat hospital food... Hmm... Must be torture. I'll order your favorite."

Seokjin smiled. "I need to buy axillary crutches." He said and opened an online shop app on his phone.

"But you said your legs feel like they're being yanked down badly when you put them down."

"Yeah. The crutches are for later use when I get better. I'll move easier with that. But I'll still use the wheelchair for the time being."

"You don't have to move much anyway. I'll do it all for you! You just have to sit here and be a good patient. I'll take care of the rest." Taehyung grunted.

"I know, Tae. But I don't wanna feel like one hundred percent invalid." Seokjin ignored Taehyung's glare and continued to browse on his phone. "I got the crutches. Now I need an overbed table for my laptop."

"What?! You're going to work already?"

"Taehyung, I'm fine and I need to keep my mind busy. I can't just lay on the bed doing nothing. Besides, I already take leave for four days—-"

"That's because you were in the hospital, Hyung!"

"I can't abandon my work, Tae. My team is currently handling a big client, the Central Bank. We've been working on their new website interface. My team has covered me for these several days, but there are things that I still have to do myself."

"Hyung..." Taehyung sighed. He knew he couldn't stop Seokjin from working, especially if he was currently handling a big client like he said. Seokjin had worked hard to build his small company of web developers for the past three years since he graduated from the university. Every client counts, let alone a giant fish like the Central Bank.

"Did I make you worry?" Jin looked at Taehyung.

"Hell yeah!" Taehyung sternly answered with furrowed eyebrows and a pout.

How much?

..... So much that I'm willing to drop everything in my life just to be with you....

"Don't worry too much. I'm okay now." Since you're here with me. "Are you okay, though?" Seokjin asked. His hand reached for Taehyung's cheek and softly caressed it.

"I'm okay, too," Taehyung replied. Now that I'm with you... I will gladly give up everything just to be with you... I want nothing else... Don't wanna be with anyone else... It's been a long way to be here... And I'm so tired... Don't see someone else, Hyung. Please be with me... Just me...

Taehyung was done wandering. He just wanted to be home now...

... to the one who always had his heart.

Taehyung shifted himself into Seokjin's embrace. "I'll take care of you, Hyung." Just like you always did to me. "I'm not a little boy anymore."

"I know, Tae." Seokjin hugged him and ran his fingers through Taehyung's soft hair. I know, Love... "Thank you. I'll be in your care from now on, then."

He closed his eyes. His soul was finally at peace.... since his love was finally home with him.


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