Bonus Chapter: Jin's Web Development Team

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"So, you two are together now?" Min Yoongi—-the back-end developer in Seokjin's team—-asked during their lunch at the office that day.

"Huh?" Seokjin looked up from his bowl, surprised. "How do you know?" He mumbled shyly in a low voice, meanwhile Taehyung glanced at Yoongi with wide eyes.

"Well, those red marks on Taehyung's neck, unless it's a mosquito bite—-"

Seokjin suddenly choked on his rice and coughed rapidly, meanwhile Jung Hoseok—-the UX designer of the team—-burst into laughter and clapped his hands in full amusement.

"Here, Hyung." Tae handed Seokjin a glass of water and patted his back. Seokjin tried hard to stop his cough and drank. His face and neck were so red.

"Hey, what's up? Did I miss something?" Kim Namjoon—-their nerdy super smart architect of the team—-came rushing and sat beside Yoongi.

"Nothing, Namjoona. We're just talking about naughty mosquitoes." Yoongi shrugged nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah, the mosquitoes were intolerable this summer. They are getting fiercer!" Namjoon innocently commented.

"Yeah, naughty and fierce! Just take a look at Taehyung's neck, he got bitten by one."

Once again, Seokjin choked on his drink and the persistent cough restarted, while Hoseok burst into laughter and he managed to fall from his chair.

"Oh wow, that looks so bad, Taehyung shi. How big was the mosquito?" Namjoon was genuinely concerned. "Have you checked with a doctor?"

Hoseok was rolling on the floor now, laughing until he cried.

"No, it's—-it's fine. It'll be gone in a few days, Sunbae..." Taehyung tried to hide the marks with his collar.

Yoongi got up from his seat and pat Namjoon's shoulder. "You better get yourself a girlfriend soon, Joon!" He had finished his lunch.

"Why? Why?" He looked confused.

"To slay the mosquitoes together..." Hoseok wiped his tears, still sitting on the carpeted floor.



Author’s note:
This is not the end. We still have several chapters to go. 💜

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