Chapter 2: My Love...

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"He's not fully conscious yet." Binna said coldly when she saw Taehyung run hastily to the hospital's waiting room in front of Seokjin's patient-room. She put away her cell phone into her bag with trembling hands after reading Jungkook's messages. Her lips pressed and shutted tightly. Her heart was pounding with rage and resentment.

Taehyung stood there without saying anything, as if waiting for Binna's permission to get into the patient's room. He just stared longingly at the door where Seokjin was in.

"I'm leaving him, Taehyung shi." Binna's voice was quivering.


"I'm breaking up with Jin oppa. Please take care of him from now on." She said and got up from her seat with a heavy heart.

"What the—-! You left him in a time like this?! Really, Binna shi?!!!" Taehyung yelled. He yanked Binna's hand harshly. He was furious! How could she?! How could she?!!!!

Binna jerked her hand free from Taehyung's tight grip. The hatred in her eyes was indescribable. "He has you anyway, hasn't he?" She said cynically. The sharp glare was just the tip of the raging hatred Binna had for him. She blamed Taehyung for this.

She left with long and fast strides.

Taehyung didn't care. Binna and her feelings were the least of his worries right now. Deep in the darkest corner of his heart, he always harbored jealousy toward her, so it would be a good thing if she was gone now!


He walked feebly toward the hospital bed, trying hard to contain his muffled cry.

Seokjin was just out of the operating room about half an hour ago after undergoing Open Reduction and Internal Fixation surgery and he wasn't completely conscious yet. His left foot was fully cast in fiberglass. Both his tibia and fibula bones were broken into several pieces and doctors had to reposition his bones to a proper alignment, and put a metal rod inside.

"Hyung..." He whispered weakly. He hugged Seokjin and nuzzled into the crook of his neck, then sobbed in silence.


"... Tae..."

"Hyung?!" Taehyung got up in surprise. He hastily wipes his tears. "You're awake?!"

"... Am thirsty..."

Taehyung quickly took a glass of water from the bedside table and spooned it into Jin's mouth, just enough to wet his lips. "You can't drink too much just yet."

Seokjin nodded a little. He smiled at Taehyung. Taehyung was here! But then he remembered something... His smile faded into sorrow. The light in his eyes dimmed into a bleak darkness.

He weakly reached for Taehyung's hand to see the engagement ring. He touched Taehyung's fingers softly and Taehyung instinctively held him back. Tight.

"Where's the ring...?" He asked in a whisper.

"What? A ring?" Taehyung was startled. How did Jin Hyung know about the proposal?! Did Jungkook tell him? Dammit Kook!

"I didn't say yes." Taehyung pressed his lips flat. His hand held Seokjin's firmly, frightened his hyung might dissipate into the thin air if he let go. Jin's hand was cold. Taehyung's hand was also cold.

Seokjin gulped. He was silent for a moment. Didn't dare to ask why. Didn't even want to know why...

He closed his eyes.

He didn't say yes...

As long as Taehyung was not engaged yet...

Jin drifted back to an almost-sleep state. Today was really exhausting... He was so tired of everything... He even prayed to never wake up from the surgical table... But here he was right now. Alive...

Taehyung sat down on the bedside and nuzzled back his face into Seokjin's neck. Circling his hand around his upper torso. Hugging him.

Seokjin closed his eyes and leaned towards Taehyung's head. His feeble hand slowly crept and hugged him back. His tears dropped from the corner of his eyes.

My love....


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