Chapter 1 - First Kiss

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Seokjin's senior year of high school...

"Tae, get off of my bed, you haven't changed your clothes and you smell like sweat!" Seokjin complained about Taehyung's basketball jersey.

"I don't wanna. I'm too tired to even lift my fingers." Taehyung whined. Seokjin scoffed. He sat on the bedside and ruffled Tae's hair.

"Can I crash here tonight, Hyung?"

"Why? Your mom isn't home again?" Taehyung was an only child and was raised by a single mother. His father passed away a few years back, and since then his mother had to work hard to put the food on their table. That was why he often spent time in Seokjin's house.

"Yeah." Taehyung didn't even open his eyes.

"Shower first!"

Taehyung jolted up. "Thank you! Muach!" To Seokjin's surprise, Taehyung landed a peck on his cheek innocently, then bolted into the bathroom.

It was just 9 pm. The weather was nice and cool. Seokjin sat on the bed, pulled the duvet to cover his legs, and opened a book for a light reading before bed.

About 10 minutes later Taehyung was back from the bathroom wearing only boxers. He slid himself under the duvet right beside Seokjin.

"Tae, get a shirt from my closet!"

"Why, no! Your duvet is thick, I'll get hot and sweaty if I wear a shirt. I like to sleep without a top, you know that."

"But I've told you, you can't do that here anymore!"

"So fussy!"

"I'm a grown-up, Tae. And you're 15 now."

"So what?" Taehyung stared at him with a defying gaze.

"I might... tempted to do things... to you..."

Taehyung chuckled. "Like what, Hyung?" He approached closer.

Seokjin flinched. His body retreated until his back was stuck on the bed rest. "If you move any closer, I swear I'll kiss you!" But Taehyung kept moving forward until their face was just a breath away.

"Then what are you waiting for?!" He smirked and bit his lip so persuasively, making Seokjin's heart jump out of his ribcage.

If you put it that way...

... then I'll do it...

Seokjin's hands suddenly grabbed Taehyung's face and their lips collided into one.

... because I really want it...

It was not an innocent peck. It was a long passionate kiss that Seokjin had been longing to do for quite some time now.

When they finally broke it, Seokjin was burned in desire, while Taehyung was gasping for air. "Ah..." He said. "So that's how a kiss feels like." Taehyung touched his wet and swollen lips, then shrugged nonchalantly. "That was my first kiss, Hyung." He laid down, rubbed his eyes, and yawned. "I'm tired. Good night!" He pulled the duvet and drifted off to sleep, leaving Seokjin who was still frozen in his place. He licked and touched his lips. Taehyung's lips on his, felt so good.... Like no other...

His first kiss...


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