Chapter 3: A Wish

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"Tell me!" Taehyung smiled and looked Jin in the eyes curiously.

"What? Of course not!" Seokjin—-who just opened his eyes after blowing candles on his birthday cake—-turned his head away.

"I wanna know!"

"People say, a wish won't come true if it is spoken out loud."

"That's a myth."

"Either way, I'm not gonna tell you. So stop nagging me."

"But I was the one who bought you the birthday cake and the candles." Taehyung argued. Seokjin smiled.

"Yes, and thank you for that. How about this, I'll tell you my wish if it comes true someday?"

"What if it's not?"

What if it's not? Seokjin was stunned.

What if it's not coming true? What if he didn't end up marrying Taehyung in the future?

Seokjin's eyes suddenly stung with tears. He averted his gaze and hid his face. "Don't say such things..." His voice trembled.

"I—-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to... Hyung..." Taehyung kneeled before him, cupping Seokjin's face. "I'm sorry..."


That was one of those rare hopeful days, when Seokjin thought things were still possible between him and Taehyung, when he still thought life was nice and fair.

But then high school treated Taehyung well. He became a basketball captain and girls started to swarm over him. He enjoyed his newfound fame and friends.


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