Chapter 2: Camping

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"Are you hungry yet?" Seokjin asked as he and Taehyung finally set the tent up and lit the campfire.


Seokjin giggled. He loved feeding Taehyung who was always hungry. "Let's cook dinner then." Jin rummaged into their food stock, while Taehyung grabbed a bucket and went to a stream nearby to fetch some water.

As the flame on the portable metal fire pit lit steadily, Seokjin put a pan on top of it, and began to grill the steaks and sausages. Taehyung loved meat so much and Seokjin was exactly going to spoil him with it tonight.

"Smells so good, Hyung. What's that?"

"That's thyme and this is rosemary." He pointed out. Seokjin rumpled a sprig and stretched his hand to Taehyung. "Smell it!"

Taehyung took and held Jin's hand close to his face. "Hm! It smells so good!" His eyes lit up. Seokjin smiled. "Thyme smells good too, but rosemary has a stronger scent."

"Hm... can you cook for me for the rest of your life?" Taehyung asked playfully, but Seokjin froze. The question struck him deeper than Taehyung's intention.

"Of course..." Jin answered in a hoarse and low voice. Of course, I'd love to cook for you for the rest of my life....

"Grab a fork, let's eat!" Seokjin put all the steaks and sausages on a plate and put it on the picnic mat. They soon enjoy their hearty barbecue under the night sky.

"You'll be in college next year..." Taehyung let out a heavy sigh.

"It's not far," Seokjin said in a calming tone. The air felt quite cold out in the open like this, but the dark sky above with billions of stars and planets mesmerized him, and Taehyung was right beside him, too. So, he didn't mind sitting on cold and hard soil like this.

"But still, you'll live in the dorm, not here. That's far enough for me."

"I can come home as often as you want me to," Seokjin said. "Anyway, you'll be in senior high school. You'll meet new friends. I'm sure you'll do well, Tae."

"Still, it won't be the same without you. I can't meet you every day anymore."

"Come here, let me hug you!" Seokjin's invitation made Taehyung rushed snuggle into his embrace.

"You're so warm. You're always warm, Hyung..."

"Am I?"

"Hm..." He closed his eyes in his hyung soothing caresses.


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