Chapter 9: Because It's You

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Warning: mature content

Taehyung's thesis defense went well and now he rightfully—-though not yet officially—-graduated.

Okay, enough with that, because everything seemed to fly so fast yet so slow since this morning. The defense, the announcement of his results, a congratulatory hug from Seokjin who accompanied him there, the lunch plan—-no, they skipped that impatiently, and drove back right away, to Seokjin's home, to his bedroom... and onto his bed...

"Be careful with your leg, Hyung!"

"I can manage." Seokjin hovered above Taehyung and peppered him with pure pecks and sweet smooches. Initially. Before it finally went wet and wild.

Years of longing and yearning finally came to this. Taehyung's eyes were getting dark with a deep lust as Seokjin continued to run his tongue and his hands all over his sinfully sensitive areas. Taehyung's hands wrapped around Jin's upper torso. He was hungry for Jin's touches and his kisses, and he had been dreaming of this unholy moment so many times. He had been longing to taste those soft plump lips on his for so long. And now, having Jin here for real felt like a dream. Beautiful, yet foreign. But intoxicating for sure.

"You're so pretty!" Seokjin's hands cradled Taehyung's head, entwined in between his soft hair, treating him like the most precious gem in the world. Their lips brushed together, leaving a lingering taste and igniting an ember in their cores. "You're the prettiest being I have ever laid my eyes on..." Seokjin kept whispering sweet nothings. His deep velvety voice created a sweet tingling sensation and sent a shiver down Taehyung's spine. "Do you even know what you do to me, Baby?"

"H-hyung...." Tae writhed and whimpered. His body was feverish and quivered. "P-please take me now..." He begged into Seokjin's ears. He was now well prepared and ready.

"How did you get like this already? I haven't even filled you in..." The sight in front of him made Seokjin go crazy.

"You already did..." Taehyung tried to hide his flustered face. He tugged Jin's hair and pulled him down, chest to chest.

"When?" Jin whispered.

"In my imagination since morning..."

Seokjin burst into giggles. He granted Taehyung's wish and entered him gently. "Hmm... You're so warm and tight..." Jin stood still for a moment and relished being sheathed deep inside his love. "You feel like velvet, Baby. I know you'll be this delicious." He gave Taehyung time to adapt and captured Taehyung's lips to coax him. His tongue danced and savored every delicate corner of Taehyung's mouth. He moved south and traced Taehyung's prominent jawline, leaving a wet trace of lust down to his flushed neck. He pressed his warm lips there, teasingly licking and sucking his sensitive earlobe. Seokjin could feel how soft and silky Taehyung's honey skin was. "My love..."

Taehyung whimpered as Seokjin began to move. Slowly at first. Their lips kept latching onto each other and Taehyung felt like he was being spoiled in every part of his body. His fingernails dug into Seokjin's back, he couldn't help it. His body arched up and pulled Jin down and deeper. His legs wrapped up and tangled on Seokjin's lower body. He was fully open. He was entirely giving in to Seokjin's mercy. "Jin Hyung..."

"Easy, Baby, we have all the time in the world." He controlled their tempo.

"I don't...! I feel like bursting..." Taehyung whined. Sultry moans kept coming out from him uncontrollably. "Too good, ahh..." This was too much. His body almost couldn't take any more pleasure. He was about to run out of energy.

"I should've let you eat lunch first..." Seokjin continued thrusting and hitting the right spot.

"Hyung... There... So good... I—-" Taehyung's eyes were tightly shut. "Jin Hyung..."

"Come for me, Baby..." He whispered in Taehyung's ear, kissed and bit him as he thrust faster and deeper.

Taehyung's head was buzzing and dizzy. His eyes were trembling and teary. His stomach tightened. With a few more thrusts, Taehyung's knot finally burst. His whole body was convulsing and squirming. He could feel Seokjin twitch and spasm deep inside him, adding the ultimate wave of pleasure to his own climax.

"You take me so well." Seokjin praised him.

Taehyung came down from his high breathlessly. Tired and satiated with only one session. He closed his eyes and tried to even out his breathing. Seokjin pampered him with kisses and wiped the tears and the sweat from his face.

"Are you crying?" Seokjin asked softly. "Was it that good?" He teased him.

Taehyung pushed him aside and covered his head with a pillow. "It's because it's you..."

It's because it's me....

Seokjin bit his lips and nuzzled his head into Taehyung's nape. "I love you, Tae. I love you so much." He whispered without expecting any reply. So he was a bit surprised when Taehyung said, "I love you so much too, Hyung."

Seokjin froze. His eyes brimmed with tears. He was choked and lost for words. He felt so emotional upon hearing those simple words.

Maybe because it is from you...


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