Chapter 12: EPILOGUE

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Seven months later...

"H-hyung..." Taehyung whined and writhed. "Jin Hyung...." He called him again. Breathlessly. Seokjin ignored the call. His mouth latched onto Taehyung's nape, sucking it lustfully, his hands stroked Taehyung fast and steady, and Seokjin's hip kept pounding into him relentlessly.

Taehyung's body shuddered. Tears welled up in his eyes. His mouth opened and his body arched. The pleasure washed over his body. Came wave after wave. So good. So intoxicating. He loved how Seokjin handled him, touched and kissed him, made love to him...

"Hyung..." He whined again.

"You wanna come, Baby? Go on...!" Seokjin fastened his pace, making all Taehyung's nerves go wild and crazy. His body convulsed in heavenly pleasure. Sending him to cloud nine. For seconds, he lost himself. His mind went blank, his voice went mute, his eyes closed tightly...
An he flew so high...


"Jin hyung..." He finally said as he slowly went back down from heaven and gained back all his senses.

"Yes, Baby?" Seokjin turned Taehyung's body to face him. He kissed his forehead. "You like it?"

"Uh-huh." Taehyung nodded and closed his eyes.

"Was that good?"


"Wanna go for another round?"


"Wanna marry me?"

"Uh—-HUH?" Taehyung abruptly opened his eyes. His irises were lit and dilated. "W-what...?" His lips trembled. "What...?"

"Let's not wait anymore, Tae!" Seokjin got up and reached for a drawer on the bedside table. He pulled out a ring box and opened it. "Marry me!"

Taehyung's eyes welled up. He sobbed. "Yes... Yes...!" His voice choked and broke. "A thousand times yes..." He smiled and covered his mouth.

Seokjin smiled and pecked him. He took the ring and put it on Taehyung's finger, and Taehyung took the other one and put it on Jin's finger.

"I love you, Hyung..."

"I love you back, Baby." Seokjin wiped Taehyung's tears and attached their forehead. "I've always loved you since the beginning..." He whispered. "And I will always love you till the end..."

Taehyung broke into louder sobs and melted into Seokjin's embrace. Hugging him tightly. "Hyung..."





"You are my moon. You are the only light in my darkest days. You're the only one I remember when I need someone, and you're always the one I turn to. You've become the most important person in my life even before I realized it. Sometimes I feel sorry but also very grateful for your heart that always cares about me. I'll be forever grateful to you. Thank you and I love you so much, Jin Hyung."

"With that, I pronounce you as a wedded couple. You can kiss your groom!" The priest officiated the wedding ceremony after Taehyung finished saying his vow.

Seokjin smiled. His eyes shone with immense joy and happiness. He reached out and touched Taehyung's cheek so gently, pulled him closer, and kissed him as his husband for the very first time.

The limited audience who were present that day clapped their hands and shouted in glee. They threw the flowers and congratulated them. The newlyweds walked back down the aisle, merrily accepting the congratulations from their close friends and family, hugging them one by one, then thanking them for coming to their happiest day.

Then... they ran out of there quickly to catch a flight to their honeymoon destination. Only the two of them, to celebrate their love and begin their life together.



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