Chapter 4: A Chance?

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"Hey!" It was the third day after the surgery. Taehyung came straight from the campus, like days before. "Did Binna come today?"


"That b*—-"

"Tae, no! Don't blame her! I'm the one at fault, so we decided to break up. It's a mutual agreement. Please, don't hate her—-" Seokjin couldn't actually tell Taehyung the after-surgery incident that lead Binna to her decision.

"What mistakes could you possibly have made?! You always treat her well, way too nice even!"

"Tae..." Seokjin smiled. "Will you sit here and tell me about your day instead?" He chose a safe topic. Away from Binna. Away from Jungkook. Away from the proposal. Seokjin still turned a blind eye to that. He was too afraid to ask. He feared he couldn't handle the truth.

About him and Binna, it was obviously over.

Binna came again on the next day after his surgery. She said she wanted to break up. Initially Seokjin was dumbfounded. He asked why.

"Between you and me, it's you who clearly knows better of why I want to break up..." She averted her teary eyes. "Even in your unconscious state, he was the only one you called."

Seokjin was aghast. Binna..... I'm so sorry...

She left. Leaving a pang of guilt in Seokjin's conscience.


"So, how was your day?" Seokjin asked again.

"Nothing interesting. Still busy with my thesis." Taehyung sighed and sat on the bedside. "So, you'll be discharged from the hospital tomorrow?"


"I'll take care of everything for you, then."

"Tae, you don't have to... You've been accompanying me every night since the surgery, if tomorrow you also take care of me, what will Jungkook say?!"

Taehyung went silent.

"What?" Seokjin was baffled. Did he say something wrong?

"We broke up."

"W-what??" Jin was even more dumbfounded. He was left speechless....

Taehyung shrugged nonchalantly.

"Ar-are you okay?" Somehow, seeing Taehyung brokenhearted would make Seokjin feel more pain.

"I'm fine!" But Taehyung just brushed it off nonchalantly. Did he not love Jungkook during the two years they were together? He did. In some way. But... "I've never pictured myself engaged or even married to him anyway. He's a great lover, but certainly not my kind of husband material..."

"Tae, Tae... Come here..." Seokjin stretched his hands, invited Taehyung to come into his consolation embrace.

Taehyung was fine, but he certainly wouldn't have missed the offer to hug his hyung. So he shifted from his seat and snuggled into Seokjin's warmth.

"It's okay... You'll be fine..." Seokjin caressed his head.

Did Taehyung feel sad when they broke up? Well, of course. In some way. But it was not his main concern now. His hyung's wellbeing was!

Seokjin snaked his hand and circled Taehyung's petit waist. The same tempting waist he often [supposedly] platonically hugged. He loved hugging Taehyung, caressing his soft hair, feeling Taehyung nuzzled close into the crook of his neck. He might be enjoying Taehyung's touch on his skin and his innocent kisses on his cheek more than he should. Only the lips, those pretty lips he had been long yearning for... He wanted to taste them again, to feel them against his own.

"Who will take care of you at home later, Hyung?" Tae broke the silence.

"I... I'll probably hire a nurse..."

"How long will your leg be in that cast?"

"Doctor said two to three months at least."

Taehyung let go of his embrace. "I'll take care of you..." He touched Jin's cheek.


"Since I broke up with Jungkook, I'm moving out of our shared-apartment. I need a place to crash in for a while anyway... At least until I find a new apartment..."

"You'll always be welcomed in my house, Tae!" Seokjin said hastily. Frightened Taehyung would run somewhere else instead.

"Good! I don't go to campus too often either, so I can take care of you all day."

"Are you sure? I mean, you can stay at my house but I can hire a nurse for me."

"No!" Imagining somebody else taking care of and touching Jin raised his ugly jealousy. "I can take care of you, trust me!"

Seokjin smiled. "Okay." He easily agreed.


Taehyung had already broken up with his boyfriend of two years...

He was finally single!

And Seokjin was also single...

Did the fortune goddess finally align their stars together? Did fate finally be kind to them? Did time finally give them a chance?


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