twin to Hope.
Why is it so, that everything which starts with something good
Ends very badly?
Why is it so, that every time you start to enjoy something,
It ends very quickly?They say life is full of ups and downs.
Full of peaks and valleys.
But if that is true, then why is there more of the sad,
And less of the happy?Life is just a sad pessimistic dream.
Which you just cannot awake from.
Watch it unfold just like a flower,
And slowly, you will succumb.So enjoy the joyful times as they last,
Know that sadness is always in wait.
That single emotion which always wants to,
Leave you in the worst of state.
Harmony - A Collection of Poems
Poetryhello! this is just a place where I randomly post poems which I have authored. the poems' topic may range from anything, from being sad to happy to melancholy to lonely, everything. I hope you enjoy!