My friends all left when they saw the true me,
But only you remained.
You stood by me, lifted me up,
Even though I was maimed.I guess I should've known,
Everything in life is temporary.
Nobody will stand with you forever,
You will be alone in the cemetery.I was mistaken in believing,
I was so confident that you'd stay.
But times changed, and you decided to leave,
I realize that today.I thought my scars were healing,
But in reality, they deepened.
You laughed with me, made me happy,
All for it to come to a sudden end.Now I sit down and cry,
As I play our favorite song.
Never once in my life,
Did I think that you'd be gone.
Harmony - A Collection of Poems
Poetryhello! this is just a place where I randomly post poems which I have authored. the poems' topic may range from anything, from being sad to happy to melancholy to lonely, everything. I hope you enjoy!