I never knew I'd find someone like you,
Never knew I'd figure life out,
I never knew anything before you came along,
Now you've left me without a doubt.I never thought I'd be able to move forward in life,
Never thought I'd have someone by my side.
I never thought I'd be happy before you came to me,
Now you've been my life's guide.I never expected my life to become positive,
I expected everything to crash and burn.
I never expected good things for me until you came along,
Now you've made my life turn.I never considered the possibility of trust,
Never considered a special person in my life.
But you came along, and attained that place so easily,
And you made me feel truly alive.You came along, and changed the course of my life,
You came along and made me realize that we're the same.
You came to me and became my best friend,
And I realized I'd found my twin flame.
Harmony - A Collection of Poems
Poetryhello! this is just a place where I randomly post poems which I have authored. the poems' topic may range from anything, from being sad to happy to melancholy to lonely, everything. I hope you enjoy!