If I would've said that our time as friends was not good,
I'd have so clearly lied.
Even thinking about it now,
Makes me feel nostalgia in my mind.You were my best friend,
The one through my highs and lows.
You always stayed beside me,
And always held me close.I hope you are still the same,
And you still hold that level of affection for me.
As, I'm about to call you,
And I can't help feeling a little bit of anxiety.I hope this is still your number,
I hope you recognize and talk to me.
If you don't, well, then,
My mind peaceful, would never be.
Harmony - A Collection of Poems
Poetryhello! this is just a place where I randomly post poems which I have authored. the poems' topic may range from anything, from being sad to happy to melancholy to lonely, everything. I hope you enjoy!