46. Forgive.

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Every time my net fluctuates,
I get nervous, my hands shake.
Because, that means one less text,
To explain what I did for this argument's sake.

I know you're very mad at me,
Right now, you're also doubting yourself.
I know, becoming friends with me was a mistake,
You shouldn't have been this close, I should've trusted myself.

I hope you know, that it was me who caused this,
I hope you know that it was not you at all, it was me.
I'm always the problem in these situations,
And now, I can only hope that you see.

I don't know if you'll forgive me,
I sincerely hope you do.
Because through all my insecurities, and my difficulties,
You are the only one who's stood true.

You help me through everything,
And now I wonder if I pulled the last string.
I hope you grant me forgiveness, yes, I do,
And I'm sincerely sorry about this whole thing.

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