03| Stay out of my sight

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An ethereal veil that wraps you around the moment, as your eyes lock for the very first time. A soft breeze carries a whisper of magic, and time seems to pause in reverence of this encounter. The world blurs at the edges, leaving only the two of  standing amidst a sea of enchanting stardust. The air is charged with an electric current, and a symphony of heartbeats echoes in the silence.


A sensation that engulfs you as if all the anxieties and worries dissipate, leaving behind a profound sense of peace within your heart. Your mind becomes still, and your thoughts quieten as if finding harmony in their own existence. Your heart feels at home, as if it has finally found the missing piece that completes its puzzle.It is gentle yet powerful, like a soothing breeze that caresses your soul and lulls it into a state of bliss.


A feeling that spreads through every fiber of one's being, as if an electric current has been ignited in the heart. The beating of the heart races like a thirsty deer rushing towards a watering hole. A wave that shakes the soul, uplifting it with sweet and tender sensations. A feeling that brings happiness and joy to every inch of the body.

These were the unspoken sentiments swirling within them. Gaze unwilling to break away. Though both were typically reserved individuals, but there was this undeniable urge to bare their souls to  each other right then and there.

Arushi stepped toward Nitya, to pull her away from the prying eyes fixed upon her. "Are you okay?" she inquired.

The words broke their intense eye contact, snapping Nitya out of the trance Adwait's eyes had put her in. She quickly looked away.

Meanwhile, Adwait's anger also returned with full force as the reality of the situation hit him.

Before Nitya could respond to Arushi's inquiry, Adwait cut in, his voice rising in frustration, "Can't you see where you're going, woman?"

Nitya gasped as she swiveled to face Adwait. How dare he place the entire blame on her when they were both equally responsible!

"Excuse me! How dare you place the entire blame on me when you yourself are equally responsible for this situation?"

"Oh really?" Adwait hissed, "I know very well what purpose you had in mind when you ran into me."

"Enlighten me then, Mr," Nitya spoke coolly, her arms crossing over her chest. "Seems like you know me better than I know myself, because I had no purpose in mind when I collided into you."

Adwait curled his lip into a smirk, aware that she was only feigning indifference now that he had uncovered her true motives.

"You wanted to catch my attention and fall into my arms, seducing me for your own advantage, wasn't it?" he said, proud of his deduction.

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