20| Let's now remain strangers

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"I've set the table!" Nitya hollered to her mother from the hallway

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"I've set the table!" Nitya hollered to her mother from the hallway.

Satisfied with the orderly arrangement, she prepared to wash her hands before sitting down for breakfast. However, her steps came to a screeching halt when she saw her father approaching her.

"Three days have passed, and you still haven't gone back to the university. Why?" her father inquired.

Nitya's heart raced. Fear coiled in her stomach. Does he know something? Her mind was a jumbled mess of terrifying thoughts.

"Papa, I took leave to prepare for my project." She lied, fighting to steady her voice.

"And for how many more days do you plan to remain absent? Remember, missing too many lectures can jeopardize your scholarship. It is important to balance your project and studies." He pulled out a chair and took a seat at the dining table.

Nitya let out a long-awaited sigh of relief. Her mind, which had been conjuring up countless worst-case scenarios, finally quieted down, and her racing heart began to slow its frantic pace.

"I will go to university today, Papa," She hastily took a seat as far away from her father as possible.

Her mother entered the hall and set a plate of salad on the table before taking a seat and starting to eat.

"Good," her father spoke up once again, tucking into his paratha (Indian dish). "Make sure to take full advantage of your scholarship, and don't be reckless with your attendance. Remember, not everyone gets the opportunity to study at such a prestigious institution."

"Ji, Papa," Nitya replied. Her eyes darted over to her mother who was observing the exchange between father and daughter with keen interest.


Nitya had never thought her father would take an interest in her studies or personal life, as he had always remained aloof from such matters. Perhaps it was her uncharacteristic absence from university that had kindled his curiosity.

Her mother, on the other hand, was not well-versed in the workings of scholarships and attendance, and so had not pressed the matter further. 

But Nitya knew she could not deceive her father for long.

"Maa, I'll go to the university. If there is anything I can help you with at home, please tell me," she secretly hoped that her mother would give her some work that would delay her departure.

"No, Niu. There are some pending works which I'll take care of. You should go to university and not miss another day." Her mother replied.

Nitya's face fell though she quickly hid her disappointment. As usual, her mother again placed her studies above any mundane household tasks. 

Despite her attempts to convince herself that the matter was resolved, she still lacked the courage to face her fellow students.

However, a lingering doubt nagged at her mind. Should she truly forgo her plans of attending the university? Why should she allow fear to dictate her actions when she had committed no wrongdoing?

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