46| Every inch of you is my desire

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I scrutinized the report on my desk

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I scrutinized the report on my desk. "I'm satisfied with your report. Commence your work on it, and remember, I expect nothing but the very best."

"Alright, sir. We'll get to work on it right away," my team affirmed with firm nods.

"You may take your leave now."

I leaned back in my chair, letting out a tired sigh. I was feeling pretty wiped, but this project was worth a fortune, and I couldn't risk messing it up. Rubbing my forehead, I grabbed my phone and decided to call Nitya. She was the only person who could make me feel better right now.

My brows knitted together in frustration when I found her line busy. I glanced at the clock—late at night. I couldn't help but wonder who could be keeping her occupied at this hour.

The events of last night flashed through my mind. She was busy then too, with some family friend, or so she said. I was insanely jealous—calling it an understatement would be putting it mildly. 

Before dating Nitya, I always thought of myself as an open-minded guy, free from negative emotions, especially in love. But I couldn't have been more wrong. It turns out I'm a crazy, possessive, and obsessive freak when it comes to Nitya, and each day, these feelings are growing, not fading.

I tried to call her again, but it went unanswered once more. Jealousy left a bitter taste, even though I had no idea who was on the other end of the line.

Resigned, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and walked out of my cabin.

"What's the status of the report?" I inquired to my assistant, whose desk was conveniently situated just outside my office. "I haven't received any updates from Mr. Sharma. Where is he?"

"I have no clue, Sir," she replied promptly. "I'll reach out to him immediately."

"Leave it be. I'll visit his cabin personally. Meanwhile, you head inside and organize the files."

I headed toward his cabin, located at the far end of the floor. It had been my decision to place his cabin there, given his position as the project lead.

Upon arrival, I found the door ajar, and one of the junior members of the team was inside, engaged in a casual conversation with Mr. Sharma.

"I believe it's time to open up and discuss your emotions with her. There's no use in concealing them. Sooner or later, the truth will surface, and it's best to address it sooner rather than later." the junior advised.

"We've only recently gotten to know each other, just a few months ago. Besides, I don't want to risk the friendship we have," Mr. Sharma mused.

"What if she has someone else in her life?"

"She hasn't. She belongs to a conservative family where such matters have no room, and she herself confirmed that she isn't involved with anyone."

"I must say, though, she is truly stunning."

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