Stage Twenty-Three

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hi. i'm tired man.

school's almost over but exams are a bitch.

how about that new cover? i got super bored...opinions would be great because i'm super unsure about it.... :/


{read-over edited]


<Ashton's POV>

A date? Why in the hell would he want to go a date with me

"Seriously?" I asked, hesitant. There was something with what telling me that I should say no, but my heart was screaming to tell him yes.

"Yeah." Michael sounded a bit down, more likely 'cause of my tone of voice.

"I-I don't know..."

Michael nodded, giving me a hug. His head went into my neck, he hummed and I couldn't fight the smile that made it's way onto my face.

"That's okay babe." He kissed my neck then let go, his eyes bright with a fire. "I got an idea!"

I raised an eyebrow at him while crossing my arms. "What would it be?"

"You'll see soon enough." He winked at me and walked into the bathroom.

That mysterious little shit.

I watched the door close then took a long needed breath. I wasn't sure why he wanted to go on a date with me. I mean of all the fucking people it had to be me. I'm a depressed, dumb teenager who smokes a lot and has more scars on my body than a fighter. I have a few other bad habits as well and he's wanting to go on a goddamn date with me?

That boy has no clue what he's in for....

"Damnit!" I heard Michael cursing from the bathroom getting my attention. I instantly got worried.

"Michael? Are you okay?"

"Yep! All good!"

I chuckled in response, smiling like a goof. He sure did know how to make me happy.

I soon found myself drifting into deeper water, I wanted to drown but not in water, but in smoke.

I looked around for my cigarettes, moving a few things off the desk until I found them. I took one out, lighting it and going to sit near the window, opening it so there wasn't a massive smoke smell. The school would bust my ass if they caught my smoking.

The sun was hidden behind a few clouds, soon to return. It didn't look like rain, which was good 'cause I have no idea what Michael has planned if I say yes to the date. I mean he's a very strange boy and we might end up outside somewhere. That boy is unpredictable.

I took another drag, hearing my phone ring somewhere. I quickly put the cigarette out and frantically searched for it, picking up jeans and shaking them. Yes I know by shaking that my phone might break from falling on the ground but I didn't care all that much, I mean it's not like I can't live without my phone...


"Ashton, hey."

Calum was calling me, not sounding like his happy self. How'd he get my number?

"Is something wrong?"

"'s dead."

My eyebrows furrowed together, confused. "What's dead?"

"My stupid controller! The batteries died and I lost the charger somewhere!"

I let out the breath I had been holding with a chuckle. "You can come grab Michael's if you want, I bet he wouldn't mind. Just try not to lose this one, or else you'll owe him."

"Yeah okay. I'll be right over! God bless the mighty Ashton!"

I laughed this time and hung up with a goodbye, putting my phone on my bed, sitting down on it as well. I looked to the bathroom, he still wasn't out.

Jesus fucking christ, whatever the fuck he's doing in there it's taking forever. I wonder what it could be...

There was a knock at the door, Calum. I opened the door with a smile, Calum smiled quickly and came in to grab the charger.

"Dude, you have Final Fantasy 13?" He turned around to face me staring at the case in his hands before actually looking up at me.

"It's Michael's."

He nodded. "I really wanna play this."

"He can't take it to his dorm, he'll end up losing it!" Michael yelled from the bathroom.

"Aww, poo."

I stood there awkwardly for a moment or two before suggesting "Why don't you play it over here?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, it'll be cool."

"Okay, but let me run back to my dorm to let Luke know."

I nodded and watched him leave, closing the door quietly. I looked to the bathroom, seeing that he still wasn't out.

"God Michael! What the hell are you doing in there? You've been in there forever and I miss you!"

Okay, so maybe the last part slipped out. I blushed realizing what I said.

"You'll have to wait and see my punk prince!"

"Punk prince?" I questioned, giving it a few seconds. "I like it."


I smiled and heard another knock at the door. I opened it to see Calum and Luke, hand and hand which was the cutest thing ever!

Okay, now I sound like a teenage fangirl. I need to stop.

"Hello! We're here to fuck your shit!" Luke pulled out a nerf gun, shooting me in my stomach. It stung slightly.

"The fuck?"

"I warned you!"

I only smiled and ran at him, tackling Luke in an attempt to fight him. We wrestled around on the ground for a bit, until he pinned me.

"No fair Hemmings!"

"I won! I won!" He teased siting up. I stuck my tongue out at him childishly, pouting.

"What's wrong babe?" Michael's voice was heard then I felt someone wrapping their arms around me, kissing my cheek. I smiled because I knew it was him and turned to see him behind me, smiling as well. I gave him a kiss on the nose and looked back at Calum and Luke who had started the game and were watching a cutscene.

"You know," He whispered into my ear. "you still haven't answered me about going on a date."

My heart started to race. I completely forgot about that...

"R-Right..." I thought for a moment, trying to calm my mind and heart. "I-I would l"-

"Oi! What are you doing there camera?" Luke shouted, trying to figure out the controls.

"Here." Calum wrapped his hands around Luke's whispering into his ear and tapping buttons showing Luke the controls. "Got it?"

"Yes, thank you love."

I felt Michael take my hand and make me stand up, leading me towards his bed. He got onto his first, opening his legs for me to sit in between them, resting my back on his chest. I felt his arms wrap around me again gentely, his breath hit my ear.

"Now, back to what we were talking about before....What will it be Ashton Irwin?"

I looked up at him with a stupid smile on my face. "Yes."

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