Stage Seven

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I've been using my family's 3G like crazy! :P Lmao.

I had a weird dream last night, all I know is that this really Hot Luke kid, (he's a junior and wears all black all the time and listens to Of Mice & men and I want to do is dirty things to him #sorrynotsorry) and we were all skipping school and hanging but this kid was high and was trying to kiss me and Luke got pissed and started beating him up. But then I woke up. ):


Thanks you guys so much! (:

This chapter is long, you're welcome! c:



<Ashton's POV>

I have no clue why I showed him my secret spot. My damn heart thought it a was a good idea, my head not so much. I can't get close to him. To no one.

"Hey Ashton." He was standing by his bed, getting dressed to go get breakfast. I wasn't hungry. "Wanna come?"

I shook my head. "Pass."

He nodded and grabbed his phone, going out the door. I went to grab a smoke, having it to chill my nerves.

No cuts in the past two days...that's good right? I haven't felt like I needed too.

Maybe it was because of him.

No no. It couldn't be. He's just a stupid boy that can get annoying at times. We aren't even dating nor are we even friends. At least I don't believe we're friends....

I put the cigarette out, running my fingers through my hair. This morning that was a whole other side of me that I showed him. I wished I hadn't.

I went to gather some clothes ad take a shower, letting the hot water run down my body. It was slightly stinging my skin, but I wanted to feel alive, not numb. I washed my hair and body quickly, standing under the water waiting for it to turn cold.

Michael should be back by now, what was taking him so long? Why do I care?

I shook my head, I needed a drink.

The water soon got really cold so I turned it off and got out. I wiped myself off quickly and got dressed, walking out of the bathroom.

He still wasn't here.

I went to my nightstand, pulling our the last drawer. Jack Daniel's was staring at me, I smiled.

Long time no see.

I opened the bottle and quickly took a drink, feeling it surge through my body. It felt good.

"Hey why did you"-

Michael was in the doorway, giving me a confused expression. "What's that?"

"Jack Daniel's, want some?"

He thought for a moment, then said "What the hell." and took a drink.

"Oh I ah told Calum, Luke, Madison, and Charlie that they could come here and hangout...if that's okay with you?"

"Sure. As long as they don't mind me drinking."

He shook his head. "Luke and Calum will be cool with it, I'm not sure about Madison and Charlie, but they can deal with it."

I took a few more drinks, handing it over to him, Michael only took a sip. I laughed at him.


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