Stage Seventeen

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hello! The New Year's here and i'm quite excited!!!

i got a camcorder for my birthday/Christmas and it's so cool! i love it! i also got my haircut short! it's like Hazel Grave from TFIOS and trust me i did not plan that.

if you want a song to listen too to kinda go along with this chapter, that would be Stay High (Habits) or the Stay High (Habits) remix.

anywhos, bye now!


{read-over edited}


<Ashton's POV>

After my almost cutting incident, we both just stayed in bed for what felt like forever. I had woke up about an hour later and Michael was playing with my partly curly hair, twirling one curl in his finger. He saw that I was awake and blushed then stopped.

We talked for a long time after that, acting stupid and getting ourselves tangled in the sheets. When the night time came, we both fell asleep quite quickly.

I dreamt of him...

My eyes opened to the ceiling, feeling that Michael was still next to me. He was protecting me with his arms wrapped around my waist and his head in my neck. His breath was warm and calming, considering that he was asleep still. I didn't want to wake him, nor did I want to move. I closed my eyes and thought for a while on how we got here.

How did we end up talking in the first place? With other roommates we just either ignored each other, didn't care, or didn't talk to each other. But now...How did we end up here?

"Go back to sleep Ashton." Michael whispered into my ear, moving closer to me to cuddle more.

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Early, now sleep." He buried his face into my chest, breathing softly. My heart was racing violently in my chest and I was afraid that he could feel and hear it. But he was asleep and soon, I was too.

*waking up later that day*

I opened my eyes slowly, squinting at the light from the curtain. He was gone.

I sat up to quickly, my head went fuzzy and my vision blurred. He was gone.

Where did he go?

I looked around me, his side of the bed was messed up. The pillow was laying flat and crumpled. He was just here a little while ago...something crunched as I moved my arm. I removed the blanket of of me, goosebumps prickled my skin from the cold air. I shivered slightly and looked around for the source of the crunching.

A note. That's all there was. What?

"Ashton, sorry I had to leave you. Went out with Kacie.

I was pathetic, stupid for thinking that way. I knew he would leave and go crawling back to her...I knew it.

I crumpled the paper up in my hands. Jealousy had taken over me.


I threw it away onto the middle of the floor. I'm so tired of this.

Tired of denying it. Tired of saying he won't ever like me back. Tired of saying I'm not gay. Tired of fighting....Just so tired.

I was crying, thoughts lost and racing. I need to forget him. I needed an escape...Billy.

Billy was this one troublemaker who is majority of the time high. He loves his weed and sells it to other students. I happen to know one of them.

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