Stage Eighteen

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hello! i am sooooo sorry for no new updates recently. you know how life goes and everything...

i'm thinking about doing somewhere around 20-30 chapters but i'm not quite sure.

anywhos, stage eighteen right here! Hope you enjoy! c:


"So kissed him?!" Luke's eyes went wide.

"I didn't mean too..."

"How do you not mean to kiss someone?" Calum asked, looking up from his phone.

"It's just...the way it happened. And now, he's been ignoring me all morning."

The boys thought for a moment, Calum moving closer to Luke on the bed be fore saying, "Maybe he was just angry...but just confused angry."

Calum had a point, I nodded.

"You know, you have a lot of chemistry together..." Luke stated. "Like when you're around each other, you can feel it. It seems...right."

I wanted to tell them about my feelings. I wanted to spill it and just not care...I didn't and instead I ignored what Luke has said.

"We should go out, you know to like a bar or some shit like that. I'm so tired of being here. Let's just go fucking mental!"

"Fuck yeah we should!" Calum was on board.

"I would like to meet Kacie. Maybe we all could go and meet each other."

"We could. Tarlie could come along as well!"

I raised an eyebrow at Calum. "Tarlie?"

"You know, Tate and Charlie. Tarlie. The ship."

It then clicked and I nodded. "Oh...clever."

"Yeah, that sounds great! Let's get this planned out!"


I walked into the room, Ashton sitting on his bed with his earbuds in and was smoking a cigarette. I mentally rolled my eyes and went to take a shower and get ready.

He was acting immature. I only kissed him, I mean it's not like we had sex or anything. It was just one stupid kiss. I got caught up in the moment and I wasn't thinking clearly. That's all.

I grabbed my phone and dialed Kasey. We talked for some time then hung up. She said yes to going out, I was quite excited.

I got into the shower and got out quickly, ignoring Ashton and getting dressed.

"Are you going out?" I turned around towards him to see him looking at me.

"Yeah, with Calum and Luke."

he took a moment before speaking again. "Look, I'm sorry for being an asshole. I just, wasn't expecting it, you know?"

"Yeah, I do. I got caught up in the moment..."

He nodded then smiled. "Do you mind if I tag along? Beats sitting around here."

I smiled back at him. "Yeah, you can."

Ashton stood up and took out his earbuds putting out his cigarette and going into the bathroom. I finished getting ready and texted Calum and Luke where we were going. There was a knock at the door, Kacie.

"Hey," She smiled. "ready to have fun?!"

I laughed at her and gave her a kiss, "This should be fun, yeah."

Ashton came out of the bathroom, seeing us standing by the door. He ignored us and kept getting ready. I smiled at Kacie.

"You've met Kacie, right Ash?" I asked him, narrowing my eyes to make sure he got the message. Basically, I was saying 'don't be mean to her'.

"Yes, I have. Hello again Kacie."

"Hi," she giggled and wrapped her around me. I smiled and kissed her head.

"Hang on, my phone's ringing," Kacie had to let go so I could answer it. "Hello?"

"Hey, so we're going there? Are you sure?" Luke asked, I heard Calum singing loudly in the background.

"Yes, I'm sure. We'll be able to get in, a friend owes me."

"Okay, see you there."

"Bye." I hung up, looking to see Ashton coming up towards me.

"So, who's driving?"

"I will." Ashton had his keys already in his hand, I nodded and then we left.


sorry, this is so short...but the next few chapters are going to be good. :)

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