Stage Twelve

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<Michael's POV>

We stoped talking. Ashton and I. Just stoped. I was hoping it would only last for a day or two, but it ened up lasting for weeks, right before Fall Break which was only for a few days. He seemed to be doing better, but noting the new red slash marks on his skin, he wasn't.

"You leaving for fall break?" I asked him, he shook his head quietly.

"My parents fucking hate me."

"Oh..." I couldn't think of anything else to say, he shook his head again.

"You don't need to pity me..."

"I'm not." I retorted. He studied me, eyes scanning over me carefully.

"You're thinking something...What could it be?" He put his hand to his chin, rubbing it while staring up at the ceiling. "I got it. You don't pity me, you just don't understand and are curious to why they hate me..."

"I-I guess."

"Do you really want to know?"

It was more a comand for me to say yes than it was a question, so I nodded. He watched as I took a seat on my bed and faced him, waiting. I knew that he just wanted to get it off his chest to talk to someone, and I didn't mind. It was just weird how we started talking again and we go into personal things.

Well then.

He removed eye contact with me and started at his hands.

"My parents wanted me perfect. Ever since I was younger, they tried so hard." He chuckled before continuing, "when I was a freshman, my parent's stuck me here...ans it went downhil from there. I started failing classes, got my piercings a and the few tattoos I have..."

He stood up and too off his shirt, leaving my eyes wide. He smirked at me and turned around to show me his back. It was angel wings, thick black outlines and the feather details making rough lines, creating something beautiful. I wanted to reach out and touch it...

My fingertips hit his skin smoothly, running down the wing imagining if the wings were alive and real, flapping and moving gracefully. He could escape when ever he wanted to. Never having to be stuck in one place, moving on and around the world. He shivered under my fingers, I traced them both mesmerized by them.

"I'm guessing you like them."

"Y-Yes." I breathed out, not noticing that he turned around. I looked up at him and it feels like my heart gave up in my cheat, pounding harder. His eyes scanned my face, resting his forehead I to mine, breathing into my lips.

There's something in the air between us

Could catch sparks easily

He needed to get off me. I didn't want this to happen, but somewhere in my mind I wanted it.

I wanted him to press his lips to mine, I wanted his hands to run through my hair or where ever they'd go. I wanted it...

His head moved and he went back to his bed to lay down. My family didn't want me to go home either, they didn't want to see me.

So much for a family.

I sat there dumbfounded at what just happened. My head was dizzy, I needed to lay down.

"Are you okay?"

I shook my head, tears coming to me eyes. "No."

I was having a breakdown, and in front of Ashton.

I bet he thinks I'm weak and stupid. I bet he'd never kiss me in a million years. I'm so stupid for thinking he would.

His arms wrapped themselves around me in an embrace, my head aginst his chest.

"You're alright..." He whispered sweet nothings into my ears in an attempt to calm me down.

I was silently crying, my thoughts racing and going everywhere. They were darken thoughts, slowly stirring around in the air, going along the walls and making the room darker. I could feel them consuming me, my chest felt tight, I couldn't breathe.


I was slipping, I couldn't see.

"Michael?! Shit shit shit! Michael!"

I was so far away...even if my body was still here...

"Please come to room"-

I was gone.

I have no clue where in the fuck I was going with that but alrighty then...

This wasn't planed either and I'm a piece of shit for not planning ahead...

I made a huge fight happen last night between my was hell last night and I fucking started it....

Anywhos, I still have a really long way to go with this story and I'm quite proud of it actually. 740 READS AS OF RIGHT NOW I CAN'T EVEN-

Thanks you guys a lot. Bye now.

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