Stage Three

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Hello! I had to redo this stage, apparently Wattpad didn't like it....

Feed back is welcomed!


Thanks! c:


<Michael's POV>

I walked into my room after hangout with Luke, Calum, Charlie, and Madison. We didn't really do much, just talked about things. Really weird perverted things...

I didn't notice what was going on until I looked over at Ashton's bed. He was snogging some girl, and it was getting a little to far.

I coughed, but they didn't hear. I rolled my eyes and coughed again, this time a lot more louder than before. Ashton pulled away from the girl, straddling her to his bed still. The girl's cheeks reddened, Ashton smirked at me and went back to kissing the girl.

I rolled my eyes again and went to start my homework. I pulled out my English notebook and set it next to me on the desk. I got out the rest of my homework, hearing Ashton and the girl get off the bed.

"I'll see you later babe?" I heard the girl ask.

"Yeah, see ya."

They kissed and I heard the door closed. I shook my head, picking up a pencil and started doing the homework.

A few minutes later, a hand appeared out of the corner of my eye.

"Well looky here. Looks like little Michael has been actually paying attention in class!" Ashton mocked.

I turned around, putting the pencil down as I did so. Ashton was standing smirking at me, holding the notebook by the cardboard front cover.

"Ashton stop. You're going to rip it."

"Oh, someone cares about school? Good ol' Michael! You're a good boy."

I stood up with a glare. "Seriously, stop."

"Stop what?" He tried to look innocent, ending in another smirk.

I walked up to him, trying to reach my notebook which was above his head. He held it higher and higher just so I couldn't reach it. I stepped closer towards Ashton, our chests almost pressed together and my hand hitting his slightly.

I was so aimed on getting the notebook back that I didn't notice that he froze, the notebook still in the air. I looked from trying to get it to him, his face slightly frightened but still expressionless.

My breath was taken away from me, looking at his eyes. They were...beautiful. They were a brighter green now, the gold flecks popping out in the light. Damn.

I moved my eyes down to his lips....Holy fuck.

Wait what?

The notebook fell, snapping me back into the moment...Ashton was gone. The bathroom door shut with a slam, I jumped.

What the fuck just happened?

I stood and thought about what happened...he left...

Was he scared? Was he confused? Could he tell we were having a moment...or maybe could he tell I was having a moment?

I shook my head, grabbed my notebook and setting it on my desk. I sat down in the chair, wanting to forget what just happened. I put my hands to my face, just sitting there. I was trying to get the thoughts of Ashton's eyes out of my head but they were stuck.

They were breathtaking...literally. The way the green and gold work together is truly beautiful. An artist couldn't even capture his eyes perfectly, no one can.

"Fuck." I muttered.

I stood up and stormed out of my room, I needed to get out of there and find somewhere to just think and maybe breath for a little while, 'cause I'm still breathless from looking into his eyes.

My notebook and homework was left there to never be completed that day.


Short chapter! Sorry.

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