Stage Twenty-Four

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'Ello! How's it going everyone? I'm glad to see that many people read my shitty writing.

Like I'm amazed at how many there is. Thank you all so much for that, it means a lot to me! Hugs for all! :D

Shoutout to xfluffypandasx for all the comments and stuff! I meant to make a shoutout a while ago, just kept forgetting, sorry about that! :/

Oh and this chapter's a short one because I felt like I needed update for you guys because it's been a while, sorry about that. But hey, the next chapter is the date which I bet ya'll are excited about that, I know I am! (yes, I said ya'll...go on and judge me!)

{read-over edited}

<third person POV>

The boy's hearts were racing once the word had fallen out of Ashton's mouth. They were trapped in a bubble, wrapped in each other arms alone. They couldn't hear Luke screaming at the telly or Calum screaming with him. They couldn't hear video game sound affects. Nothing. All they both saw was each other, wanting to never leave this moment.

"Really?" Michael asked, his eyes getting wide.

"Yes, a thousand times yes." Ashton giggled, trying to hide his face so that he didn't show the mega-red blush on his face. Michael saw of course, thinking it was a adorable.

"Good." Michael kissed Ashton passionately but quick, smiling.

"So, when are we going?"

"I was thinking tomorrow, all I want to do today is be lazy and cuddle with you." Michael's face showed that he was blushing.

"That sounds great." Ashton smiled and connected their lips again, going at it for a few seconds before realizing that Calum and Luke were still in the room.

"How's the game going Luke?"

Luke turned around quickly at Michael, his face looking defeated. "Horrible. I suck at this game! Couldn't we play like Shark Frenzy or something?"

He turned back towards Calum to ask him the last question, waiting for an answer. Calum told him no and that if he didn't want to play anymore he should give him the controller so he could play. That's what Luke did, giving Calum a quick kiss on the cheek before moving closer to his side, watching Calum play.

Michael kissed Ashton's cheek with a smile on his lips and moved closer to him. He took Ashton's arm, looking down at his scars. Ashton's heart began to race as Michael kissed them softly, smiling goofily up at him.

"You know, they don't make you a bad person..." Michael whispered. "It just means that you've been through a lot."

Ashton smiled and kissed Michael heavenly, pulling Michael on top of him by his hips. Michael straddled Ashton, his hands resting on either side of his stomach. Their tongues hit one another's, getting slightly tangled. Michael pulled away and started laughing.

"What?" Ashton pondered. Michael couldn't stop laughing, getting off of Ashton to fall on the floor on accident.

"Woah, is he okay?" Luke asked staring at Michael wide-eyed.

"Yeah, just a bit of a laughing fit."

Luke then started laughing as well, looking over at Ashton then back at Michael who had tears in his eyes. Ashton started laughing too, starting off small but building up quickly. The whole room was filled with laughter, a few of the boys has tears in their eyes, attempting to wipe them away every now and then.

Ashton realized that he hasn't laughed this hard for a long time, making his mood drop a bit but once Michael got off the floor and tackled Ashton into a hug, his mood soared once again.

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