The depressed Lodge

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[If Jacob and Emma broke up]

Lodge, 6:02

Ryan brought in his bag and Dylan's too and took them to the kitchen. They grabbed their clean clothes and were about to leave for the poolhouse to take a shower. Dylan gathered himself up but suddenly the world was spinning around him.

"Whoa, Dylan, you okay?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Cool," said Dylan as he steadied himself. "Let's go, I really need that shower," he sniffed the neck of his shirt and made a disgusted grimace. "Gotta burn this later."

"Me too," said Ryan chuckling. As they stepped through the door they saw all the others sitting around, already fresh and clean. Right at that moment the front door opened and Laura returned with Max. The rest of them stared at them with funny expressions on their faces. They didn't understand why Max was wearing women's clothes.

"Guys, this is Max," Laura introduced him.

"Hey there," said Dylan as he looked Max up and down, checking out his outfit with a grin. Max frowned his eyebrows questioningly.

"Hey?" he said unsurely.

"Nice outfit," said Kaitlyn.

"Yeah, thanks. Can you guys lend me anything else to wear, please?" Max asked.

"I'm not sure my trousers would fit you," said Ryan.

"Yeah mine neither with those thighs..." said Dylan still looking.

"Dude," said Ryan.

"What?" asked Dylan finally turning his eyes away from Max.

"Don't do that, it's creepy," said Ryan.

"Yeah, whatever," said Dylan and turned around to grab his bag.

"So, that's it?" Max asked.

"You can have mine," said Jacob with a tone like he completely gave up on his life.

"Thanks," said Max as he took Jacob's bag from his hand.

"What's wrong with my clothes?" asked Laura mocking Max.

"Haha," said Max. Everyone watched the exchange smiling, except for Jacob. He felt like he could never smile again.


Dylan and Ryan headed to the poolhouse slowly in silence. Both of them were tired and weary. Dylan walked to one of the cabins, grabbed his shirt, and pulled it off with one move. He always wanted to try what it's like to take off a shirt with one hand, but now, he didn't have any other option. He looked down at his arm. He figured he should shower carefully, not to let dirty water pour down into his wound. So he raised his injured arm and showered like that. It took a while with just one hand to scrub all the dirt from his arms. Ryan was startled a little bit by all the blood on the walls. He stopped and stared at it for a couple of seconds. He just couldn't believe what went down that night. He heard some noises from Dylan like he dropped something on the ground.

"Dylan?" Ryan asked.


"Everything good?"

"Yeah, it just takes time to figure things out with one hand," he said.

"Do you need help?"

"No, I'm fine, thank you," he said. "Ah, shit..."


[Helpful] (Are you sure?)

(Click Ryan [Helpful] in the index)

[Kind] (Let me help you.)

(Click Ryan [Kind] in the index)

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