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"jisung! come down!" his father yelled. he reeked of alcohol. though his father was always drunk, he wasn't scared of him. he was too young to even recognize the smell of the alcohol his father had drunk. jisung was only 6.

"go greet your mother."

jisung's mom was getting back from the store. her car would be pulling up anytime soon. jisung sat on the step outside the front door of his home. he picked up a pebble and tossed it around. he hear a car coming. his mothers loud van.

jisung had his eyes on the road. waiting for the sight of his moms van to appear, so he could run to greet her.

as jisung peered at the street, he saw the beginning of his moms car.

a loud grumbling noise took jisung's attention.

he looked in the opposite direction. a red car.

a really fast red car.

jisung looked at his mom through her car window.

his mother smiled at jisung. jisung jumped up and down. he waved back.

his mother lifted her hand to do the same.


'glass. blood. mom. glass. blood. mom.' all jisung could think.

jisung ran to his moms car. he saw her.

her face was all covered in red. her body left lifelessly in her seat.

jisung reached his hand through the broken window. his arm getting cut in the process. a deep layer of red began to spread, and drip on jisung's arm. he grabbed his moms hand.

"mommy.. what are you doing?" he cried as he spoke. jisung didn't know what was going on. he just wanted his mom to wave back at him.

he stared into her eyes.

her eyes did not move. she didn't blink once.

shouts were heard from behind jisung. his father, the neighbors.

jisung's body flew up. his breaths short and sharp. his clothes and hair damp with sweat. his threw off his covers.

he hadn't had this dream in a while. he thought he had gotten better.

he reached for his medication, which was now under a pile of trash from his desk.

poured out a handful, and forcefully shoved them into his mouth. he took a sip of water from the water bottle on his desk, which was probably a month old.

he grabbed his phone.

it was 5:00 am. he had classes at 8:30. he sighed. his shaky hands helped himself up off his bed, and he threw on a jacket over his hoodie.

he snuck down the stairs quietly, so his dad wouldn't hear him.

oh what fun consequences he would get from this if his dad had heard him.

he slowly shut the door, not wanting to make any sound.


he walked to the swing at the park. he always liked the park. it was one place where there usually wasn't a lot of people, at least in the early morning, and he could just breath.

he had calmed down from his dream. or nightmare, if you would say so.

jisung'a stomach rumbled as he dug the tip of his converse into the mulch. he hasn't eaten since yesterday morning. he hadn't had the chance.


minho woke up to the sound of his alarm. he slowly lifted his body against his head board. he drew his fingers through his honey colored hair.

he got up and went to his bathroom. brushed his teeth. threw his hair around until it landed in a good spot. he then picked out a pair of black shorts along with a white tee shirt. he grabbed his coat in case it would get chilly.

it was only september, but the cold wind wasn't doing anyone any good.

he walked through his living room to see his mom who had woken up a few moments before him. quickly landing a kiss on her cheek before saying goodbye to go on his way for his run.

minho would take a different route today. he was kind of tired of running by the same trees every single day. he decided to head towards the park.


how was it?? slightly slow chapter, but the best is yet to come!!

any thoughts ?? 💭 i would appreciate any comments y'all can come up with to keep me motivated to write this ff.
it is pretty late so next update will be tmrw 😄

i hope y'all are going to keep reading 😚

btw when i referee to minho's hair as "honey colored" it is when he had blonde like hair, like in the pic below

btw when i referee to minho's hair as "honey colored" it is when he had blonde like hair, like in the pic below

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he is so beautiful.
anygays please look towards to the next chapter!!

( if you haven't noticed, my chapters are pretty short)

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