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the next few days minho's mood wasn't the greatest. jisung hadn't really paid much attention to him, and he wasn't overly happy about it. but of course he chose to give him space.

whenever he saw jisung, he was always with chaeyeong. maybe he just made another friend? minho wanted to feel happy for him because he knew jisung was a bit shy, but something just didn't feel right.

he felt that he always looked uncomfortable when he was with her. minho even overheard jisung stuttering? he never stuttered when he talked with minho.

i'm just overreacting. minho hated that he was so annoyed over jisung simply talking to someone other then him.

it was already lunch time, so minho hurried over to the table where chan was at. jisung had finally been sitting with them, so it made minho happy that he would finally get to talk with him.

but apparently it wasn't going to work like that. chaeyeong was holding jisung hand and dragged him over to her table before he even got the chance to get lunch?

that's where minho drew the line. he stood up suddenly, causing chan to be surprised. "woah, what's up?"

"he just looks so uncomfortable with her, it's driving me insane.

chan looked around. "who? oh jisung?"

"she didn't even give him a chance to get lunch. i'm gonna go over there."

chan grabbed minho's arm causing him to look down at him. "just talk to him after. he probably is just making more friends. that's a good thing, remember?"

minho sighed. "fine, but i'm talking to him after, even if i have to get through that bitch."

"minho don't be like that. you don't even know her that well."

he sat back down. "i know her enough to know that she just likes being pretty and being seen. she just gets on my nerves, chan."

"he's probably fine, okay? and if not he can tell you that himself." chan patted minho's back before going back to eating his food.

minho sighed as he did the same.

as soon as the lunch bell rung, minho walked over to jisung and grabbed his hand. he brought him into the hall and let go. "okay, what's going on?

jisung sallowed before he began. "w-what do you mean?"

minho shut his eyes before saying, "i mean, you just haven't said a word to me, like all week. and you seem so uncomfortable with chaeyeong."

jisung didn't know what to say. he didn't know that minho could tell he was uncomfortable. "well i-

he was caught off by a high pitched voice. "hannie!!"

jisung turned around, surprised by the new name as he saw chaeyeong running towards them.

speak of the devil. minho sighed.

minho showed visible disgust when she linked arms with jisung as he just looked at her.

see, he is clearly uncomfortable. such a bitch. "um sorry chaeyeong i was talking with jisung. we will be going now." minho grabbed jisung arm, but chaeyeong didn't let go of him.

"oh hannie did you not tell him yet?" she looked at him with fake puppy eyes.

jisung looked at minho, who was confused. crap. "oh" he let out a small awkward laugh and looked at his watch. except, he didn't have a watch. "sorry i have to get to class. bye guys!"

he sort of speed walked away. leaving minho and chaeyeong by themselves.

chaeyeong turned to minho. "i guess he didn't tell you then." she shrugged as he took out her phone.

"tell me what?" minho hated being alone with her but at the same time he wanted to know what she was talking about.

"me and hannie are dating now. he asked me out! can you believe it?" she quickly scrolled to a certain picture on her phone and shoved it in minho face.

a picture of her kissing his cheek. except jisung had no expression. and minho wouldn't even be lying if he said it looked like jisung wanted to cry.

"what is this?" he snatched her phone and took another look.

"just a picture of me with my boyfriend han jaemi- i mean jisung." she smiled.

jaemin? "okay what did you do to him?" minho never really asked, but he kind of thought that jisung was gay.

"what do you mean. i said HE asked me out." she took her phone back and twirled her hair. "see you mingo."

"my name is minho." he quickly corrected. she just smiled and walked away.

minho was about to explode. why didn't jisung tell him? something fishy was obviously going on.


jisung went to english early, hoping to get away from chaeyeong. if he was being honest, he hated her. she said terrible things to him when they were alone, but as soon as someone came around, she acted as if they were two love birds.

he really wanted to tell minho, but what would happen? would chaeyeong actually tell people about his dad?

he sighed as he put his head down on his desk.


shorter then i wanted but at least it's an update! 🤗🤗 hope it didn't disappoint :))

i'm trying to have this fanfic be a bit longer than planned so i'm adding more drama 🫢

how does everyone feel about maniac era being over?? 🤧🤧 i never got to see it live :(

anygays hope everyone is well!!

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