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minho made it back into the car and the two boys left for minhos house. they realized that their houses weren't that far apart from each other.

when they made it to his house, minho helped jisung make it to the door.
minho unlocked it and went with him to his living room.

"hi minho hone- oh who's this?" his mother said with a smile. she already assumed that it was the boy that minho had told her about.

"this is jisung. he's the boy i told you about."

she was correct.

"oh ain't he a cutie." she walked over closer to the boys, and realized the problem with the new boy's leg.

"oh dear, what happened to your leg?" she asked sweetly.

jisung didn't really know what to say, but luckily minho said something for him.

"he fell down his stairs." he looked to see his mom wanting more of an explanation. "he tore a few ligaments but he'll be okay." minho smiled.

jisung just smilied at minhos mom.

luckily she didn't ask any more questions and just went to grab the boys drinks.

minho turned back to jisung. "so what would you like to eat?"


jisung had forgotten that if he stayed here, obviously minho was going to have him eat.

"oh um i ate earlier so i'm not hungry now." jisung out up a smile.

"oh okay then. so what should we get later?" minho thought for a moment. "we could watch a movie and eat pizza?"

what can i even say?

jisung didn't want to be rude, and also he didn't think he could get away with saying he didn't want any.

"oh, sure that sounds cool."


well after watching whatever random shows were on tv minho spoke about food once again.

"i'm getting hungry, are you? should we go ahead and order? minho said this already grabbing his phone.

just play it cool.

"i'm not really hungry, but order if you are."

minho tilted his head. "oh okay. i'll order a large pizza anyways, so if your hungry make sure to eat some." he gave jisung a smile.

phew. jisung let out a small breath a relief, but quickly looked back at the tv.

minho ordered the pizza as jisung just looked at the show they were "watching", but neither of them knew what it was.

after minho ordered the pizza he picked up the remote. "so what should we watch? unless you like this." he paused. "whatever this is."

"oh we can definitely watch something else." jisung said a little too quickly. "but i don't really care what."

"hmmm." minho scrolled through the different shows he had downloaded on his tv.

he found one the actually caught his eye. "what about chainsaw man?" if someone asked, minho would deny it, but it was his favorite show and he had already watched it about 5 times. he didn't know why he liked it so much but he was all up to watch it again.

jisung secretly smiled. it was his favorite show. "sure that sounds cool."


the pizza had already arrived a while ago and luckily minho didn't force him to eat it.

it was already 7:00. the boys knew it was late but yet they had gotten to know each other a lot better than before. of course jisung didn't tell him many details about his life. he did mention his mom's passing but nothing father than that. they talked about the things they liked and what they didn't, and so on. he was kinda proud of himself for at least having a normal non-awkward conversation with someone.

but by 8:00 somehow jisung fell asleep despite not being able to sleep well for the past few weeks.

minho looked over at jisung. he smiled.

he's so cute. his cheeks. his hair. his nose. his lips. his-

minho realized his thoughts were getting a little intense so he decided to stop, but he did think that jisung was really adorable.

he noticed earlier how nervous the boy was when he came to his house. he hoped that jisung had warmed up to him because certainly minho felt warmed up to him.

minho wanted to be his friend. he hadn't seen jisung hang out with anyone else so far at school, so why not be the person he hangs out with?

minho, to say the least, was excited to become his friend. he just hoped jisung would accept it.

even though it was early, he felt like going to sleep so he could get up early and have time to talk with jisung.

he didn't know that jisung had other plans.


jisung woke up at 5:28 in the morning. he looked around expecting to see his crammed small room but instead saw minho's quite large living room. as much as he wanted to stay, he knew the consequences at home would be worse if he came home later.

he decided he would go back to his house, and hopefully his father would have gotten home and went  straight to bed.

he slowly got up, kind of forgetting about his injury, and limped over to his stuff minho had gotten from his house. he grabbed his things and saw a notepad on the small coffee table.

i should leave him a note.

he grabbed the notepad and took a pen out of the cup holder and wrote:

'sorry minho i had to go home because if i didn't it would have been worse. please don't worry and i'll see you at school ☺︎︎

he left the note on the table and went to the door to leave. he took one last look at the pretty sleeping boy on the couch and went out. jisung had kind of forgotten that he couldn't drive home, but still decided to go because his house wasn't too far.

of course it was hard because his leg just insisted on throbbing the whole way there.

it was nice outside though. despite it being really dark, there was a small breeze and it felt good against his skin.

to be honest, he was a little sad to leave minho. of course he would probably see him at school, but he kind of wished he had stayed and went to school with him.

but it was a little to late to turn around because he was already arriving at his house.


so.. guess who forgot to hit the publish button??

me ☝️😔

so im so so sorry this is a whole day late. im going to start updating more because tbh i update like once a week 🙄🙄

so expect an update from each book pretty often??

how is everyone?? >>
i hope your taking care of yourselves <33
updating soon!!

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