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they arrived at the doctors office in a few minutes. jisung had asked minho to come with him because let's just say he hadn't had the best experience with hospitals.

apparently when jisung's dad had beaten him, he tore a few ligaments in his thigh.

the doctor was a little suspicious of all the bruising but he didn't push the boy to say any more.

he was prescribed pain medication, and was instructed to take it easy for the next few weeks.
the doctor even recommended to stay home from school for a while, but jisung knew he couldn't stay at home.

they were able to leave in about an hour and a half.
minho helped jisung get into the car, and got into the drivers seat.

he looked over at jisung, who was staring through the front window.

minho was having a hard time believing that a fall caused this.

"ji, are you sure you fell?" minho asked slowly.

jisung turned his head towards minho. he didn't really know how to defend himself. he had only met him the other day, but he felt like he could trust him. but could he just tell him straight of the back.

"yeah i'm sure." jisung said now avoiding eye contact.

minho leaned closer to jisung, so that their faces were pretty close.
a little too close.

a light blush appeared on jisung's face but he chose to ignore it.

"then look at me and tell me to my face." when minho said this jisung began to get nervous.

"i- i did. i fell down the stairs." well that didn't sound convincing.

"ji, i know you might be unsure, but you can trust me." minho tried to give a small smile.

he wasn't sure why, but jisung kind of started to tear up. trust him? he wanted to. he really did.

"okay." jisung said as he looked down at his feet.

minho thought for a moment. "would you like to talk?"

jisung looked at minho's eyes. "could we?" he couldn't lie. he wanted to talk to someone about what was going on, but he always had no one to talk to. now he had minho who was offering to.

"of course we can." minho already felt concerned for the boy, but he was a little scared what he might hear. even so, he wanted to be there for him.

jisung hesitantly thought for a few moments. "my dad is.." he really didn't want to sound pathetic. "abusive. mentally and physically."

minho put his arm around jisung's shoulder and turned his face more towards his.

jisung felt like spilling all of his emotions and problems right then and there. "he wasn't always, but ever since my mom died he always takes everything out on me. i think he thinks it's my fault, and i- i guess i'm starting to think that too."

he didn't mean to say that much. he slightly concerned his mouth and turned to minho. "i'm sorry i didn't mean to say that much." tears weld up in his eyes for a reason he didn't really know of. for some reason it felt .. good? that he was telling this to someone.

"it's okay. i just want you to know that i'm here for you now." minho said as he smiled at jisung who now had tears falling down his face. he felt awful for the boy. if he ever saw that son of a bitch he would try to kill him.

he sort of pulled the boy into somewhat of a hug, but it was hard to do in the car.


the boy made it back to jisung's house but minho didn't get out just yet.

"when does your dad get home?" minho asked as he looked at jisung's house.

"probably early in the morning." jisung said looking in the same direction.

minho thought for a moment. "would you like to stay at my place?" he didn't want the boy to be scared of him, even though he knew that the just met.

his father would either be furious, or he wouldn't even notice. he really wanted to go to minho's place if he was being honest. "would i be able to?" jisung realized he probably sounded stupid answering every questions he was asked with another question.

"if your comfortable with it." minho smiled. "my parents are home, but they wouldn't mind at all." he looked over at jisung's house again. "do you want me to grab anything from inside?"

he thought for a moment before replying. "could you maybe grab me some clothes?"

minho smiled and nodded as jisung handed him the house key.

"there aren't a ton of options so you can just grab whatever. and maybe a toothbrush? it's in the bathroom outside of my room on the second floor."
he hoped he wasn't asking for too much.

"alrighty." he smiled. "i'll be right back!" he said this as he got out and closed the door. he walked out to the front of his house and unlocked it with the key jisung had given him.

he walked up the stairs to find two doors, one being jisung's bedroom and one being the bathroom. once inside of his room, he went to the drawers and pulled out a couple pairs of sweats and some tee shirts. he didn't know how long he was going to stay, but he didn't just want to grab one set.

he made it over to the closet and grabbed the three sweatshirts that he had seen jisung wear often. in the closet were also basic necessities.

when he made it to the bathroom he opened a drawer to find the toothbrush, but instead found a pretty black box covered in floral designs. "hmm what's this?" when he picked it up he heard a sound he wished he didn't. the sound of metal mixing together.

he hoped it wasn't what he thought. he decided to just put it away. minho wasn't going to say anything to him about it. it was the boy's decision, whether he wanted to tell him about it or not.

he ended up finding the toothbrush. when he did walked back down stairs, and then saw the kitchen. there were many bottles scattered around. one was even broken on the floor. minho was assuming jisung didn't even know about it yet.

he walked out the front door and locked it. jisung was sitting in the car looking out the window.

he walked back to the car.


this book is moving a little slower than i'd like but i hope it's okay!
i appreciate all the comments and votes! 💗💗 love you all

i hope everyone is doing okay!
im so proud of everyone 🤗🤗

DECEMBER 11TH || minsungWhere stories live. Discover now