What's One For All? + Saving a Future Lover

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Izuku was in his bedroom, still confused on what the hell just happened earlier in the day when he happened to meet a man that is actually the Number One Hero, All Might.

"I can't believe I managed to meet All Might... and become his student."


Our protagonist was at Takoba Municipal Beach Park, in front of the man who told him ue was worthy of inheriting his power.

"Wh-What do mean, 'worthy to inheirant my power'? It doesn't make any sense!"

"Well, allow me to be more brief, young man. For you see... I am-"

The man suddenly bulks into a large familiar Hero.

"-The Number One Hero of Japan, All Might!" The Hero boomed, leaving the latter shocked.

Izuku couldn't believe his eyes of what he was seeing: in front of him what THE legendary Hero, the Symbol of Peace, the Number Hero, All Might.


"Now, may I ask what your name is?"

"M-Midoriya D. Izuku."

"You see, Young Midoriya, I have been on the search for a successor, and upon discovering you, I knew you were the one!"

"Successor? For what?"

"Well, it goes like- bleeeeh!"

Izuku's widen upon seeing All Might deflate back into a skeleton-like man.

"What the hell?! Where did All Might go?! Are you an imposter?"

"I assure you, I am All Might-" Blood started dripping from his mouth, causing Izuku to freak out.

"What's wrong with you?!"

The man just sighed before sitting down.

"In order to explain, I must show it to you."

"Explain? Explain what-"

He was cut off when All Might took off his jacket and pulls up his shirt, revealing a really gruesome injury.

He was cut off when All Might took off his jacket and pulls up his shirt, revealing a really gruesome injury

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"See this? I got in a pretty bad fight five years back. All the surgeries pretty much worn my out. Now, all I can do is hero work for about five to six hours. But that was months ago. Now it has gone down to three hours."

"Three hours? Wait... was that in your fight with Toxic Chainsaw?"

"Heh. You know your stuff. But no, a punk like him couldn't take me down. It was... someone different. And that brings us back to the successor part. Because of my limit, I don't have a lot of time left, so I was on the look for someone who can inherit the power... of One For All." All Might explained.

To Izuku, it was an awe outstanding explanation, mainly because he was in awe of the determined look of the Hero's face, but the name of the Quirk made him more curious.

Midoriya D. Izuku! The Reincarnated King of the Pirates!Where stories live. Discover now