"All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be the outer circumference of this stadium--about four kilometers! Our school's selling points is freedom!" Midnight said before licking her lips. "As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do! Now, take your places everyone! Let the games begin!"
After hearing her explain the race, the students of the 11 classes line up towards the tunnel. Momo and Ochaco look at Izuku as they were confused from his speech from before. The first light beeped.
Kendo, Setsuna and Pony were confused on why he called out the Fleet Admiral of the Navy. The orange-haired girl looked at the green-haired rubber boy. "Midoriya... why are you being targeted by the Navy...?"
"All Might... I won't fail you." Izuku thought as he had his mentor's words in his head.
The second light beeped next. "Mom... Thank you for everything. I'll win this for both of you!"
The third light beeped, signaling that the race had officially begun. The students then rushed into the tunnel, wanting to get a good lead in the race.
"Okay, here's the play-by-play! Are you ready to do the commentary, Mummy Man?" Present Mic asked to Aizawa, who just looked at the race.
"You're the one that forced to come in the first place." He lazily replied back.
"Let's us get started right away, Mummy Man. What should we pay attention to in the first stages?"
"This part right now." Aizawa said as he looked towards what was happening inside the tunnel. Inside the tunnel, the hords of students were crowded against each other. People were being pushed and shoved around.
"Hey! Watch it!"
"This is too narrow!"
Izuku stretched his arms and grabbed onto the outside of the tunnel. "Gum-Gum... Rocket!" He flung himself over everyone and out of the tunnel before running away.
"WOAH! Midoriya D. Izuku, the rubber boy of Class 1-A, has gotten a head start!" Present Mic announced as Izuku continued to run.
"Let's kick things into Second Gear!" He stretched his arm as rubber pulled down before back in, activating Second Gear and making his speed increase as he rushes off.
"What is this?! Midoriya's rushing forward with a new move! Leave many other people in the tunnel behind!"
"The first sifting..." Shoko mutters before using her Quirk to freeze the entire tunnel, making the others stuck while she passed through and outside the tunnel.
"Sorry, but I can't afford to lose." She said before a noise catches her attention. Shoko turns back to see Katsuki, Momo, Kirishima, Aoyama and many others dodging her ice.
"Get out my way, Icy Hot Bitch! I can't let Deku win this!!" Katsuki roared.
"Nice try!" Kirishima said as his arms were hardened.
"Naive, Todoroki-san!" Momo said as she used her Quirk to create a staff to hop over the ice.
"Your ice can't beat my style, mon ami!" Aoyama said, his laser from his stomach allowing him to jump over the ice.
"Woah, that was close!" Mina exclaimed as she used her Quirk to create acid on her feet, making it easier for her to skate on the ice.
"I can't use my special move yet..." Ochaco said as she carefully walked on the ice, trying to to slip and trip.
"They're used to using their Quirks, huh..." Shinso said as four participants seem to mindlessly carry him on their shoulders while walking on the ice.
"More people outside of Class A were able to dodge that than I had expected..." Shoko said to herself before turning back to continue running.

Midoriya D. Izuku! The Reincarnated King of the Pirates!
FanfictionMonkey D. Luffy finally achieved his dream of becoming the King of the Pirates. After the adventures on the Grand Line in the world with pirates and heroes, he managed to gain the legendary treasure that made him the King of the Pirates--the One Pie...