You're My Hero

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Down at the forest, Katsuki and Shoko walked around as the girl carried a member of Class B on her back.

"Is this gas a Villain's doing?" Shoko questioned as she looked at the air. "I'm worried about the others, but we have no choice. We'll avoid the finish line and get back to camp. Let's leave this to Ragdoll, who's at the halfway point."

"Ugh... Don't tell me what to d—" Katsuki was cut off as they saw someone in front of them, kneeling down at something.

"Someone there?"

Katsuki's eyes widened at the sight. "That's... Hey, who was in front of us?"

"Tokoyami and... Shoji."

Machvise came over to his comrade. "Oi. You done obsessing over that hand? We got work to do."

"So pretty... so pretty... No, I have to work... I was captivated... Oh, no... what beautiful flesh... oh, don't tempt me... I have a job to do." Moonfish turned around and saw the two teens, along with Machvise.

Katsuki had a grin forming on his face. "Don't fight, huh?"

"You fake Heroes who only care about yourselves are targets to be purged!" Spinner shouts as swings his sword.

Mandalay dodged it as she used her Quirk. "Spinner, even though you're a Villain, you're a pretty cool. You're face is my type."

Spinner stopped for a moment due to gaining a blush from her comment, which gave her the chance of attack.

"What're you getting embarrassed about?" She said before attempting to kick him, but it was blocked by Dellineger, who used their own kicks.

"Ya know, you're pretty lucky to be born as a woman, Hero. All flexible and stuff is what comes with it." The executive of the Doflamingo Family said with a giggle before attacking again.

Mandalay dodged, but was then dragged towards Magne, who used her Quirk to drag her.

"Come here, pet kitty." Magne said, aiming her weapon at Mandalay's skull, but Tiger punched her with a Haki-enhanced punch.

"I won't fall for the same thing twice!"

Señor Pink made a *tch* sound as he ran towards them, but he turned to Pica.

"Pica. Listen. With that roar the elephant caused, there will be no doubt that the Minks are gonna be on our tail. Deal with them for a little while, can you?"

Pics nodded his head before he ran in the opposite direction. Tiger saw this, and kicked Magne and Dellinger back before chasing after him.

"I won't let you-!"

Señor Pink used his Swim-Swim Fruit to capture Tiger before he swam down and then up into the air before diving back to the ground, which lands a hit on Tiger's head, but the Pussycats managed to coat their head with Armament Haki to protect himself.

"Thank the lords that I managed to coat my heat with Haki. Since that other Villain got away, I believe the next best thing is to not let these other ones go!"

Tiger proceed to use his Quirk, Pilabody, which allowed his body to stretch but it didn't work like Izuku's rubber body.

He got himself and Señor Pink out of the puddle that his fruit created before launching an attack.

"Tiger's Roar!" Tiger stretched his head as far as he could, coated his forehead with Armament Haki before releasing his attack, head butting Señor Pink straight in the face.

However, the member of the Doflamingo Family wasn't down for the count, and Tiger breathed in as he knew that this fight could be his toughest one yet.

While Mandalay was fighting off Spinner and Dellinger, she noticed that something was... a bit off.

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