Smile, Eri! The School Festival Starts

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"Good morning!" Present Mic's voice shouted through the as he sat in the booth with a mic. "Hey, guys! That's it for preparations! It's almost time to start!"

"Aw, yeah! Here we go!" A random student of Class 2-D said in excitement as he and his classmates prepared their quirky attraction.

Meanwhile, in the forest, Hound Dog was on his patrol duty before picking up a scent in the air.

"There's two scents of people nearby... Grr... One is Midoriya... Sniff... The other is both recognizable. Could be an intruder." He thought before contacting someone to help him check out who the random scent belong to was.

"We're here to let loose and party! All grades and courses should just go out and have fun! Let's hear it, everyone—"

The clock chimed at nine o'clock, signaling that the school festival has began.

"The U.A. School Festival... starts... now!"

Fireworks popped off into the sky while the Ryugu Family of Fishman Island watched in awe.

"Well, this is something." Fukaboshi stated while standing next to his brothers, his little sister and their father, King Neptune, who nodded.

"Indeed-jamon. And it seems Shirahoshi is enjoying it as well." Neptune said, looking to see his daughter watching the fireworks in awe.

"Your majesty!" Calling to him was Cementoss, who walked over to them. "On behalf of the principal, I have made you and family front row seats for the concert of Class 1-A."

"Thank you-jamon."

"Please, this way." The man lead them to the gym, where the concert was being performed at.

Manboshi looked and saw how much his little sister had changed. "I guess letting her stay here was a good choice. She doesn't seem nervous like I expected her to be."

Fukaboshi nodded. "Yes. Straw Hat's company must have done wonders for her."

"Come on, father!" Shirahoshi grabbed her father's hand, trying to get to gym. "Izuku-sama and his friends' show is about to happen! Let's hurry!"

"Okay, okay, but hold on, Shirahoshi!" Neptune pleased while his daughter tried to drag him. "I can walk, and there's still time until their performance like you told us! Wait!"

Back in the forest, Izuku had his arm up to his face as he stared down Gentle and La Brava.

"Fourth... Gear..."

He coated his arm with Armament Haki before taking a deep breath, then biting into his arm, but unlike how it made his arm expanded, the air blew around while the head of a snake covered him.

Gentle watched wide eyed as cloud of snakes covered the boy, with a giant cloud of smoke covering him while the top has the head of a King Cobra snake.

The air whipped around his legs before lifting Izuku up, then his chest was covered in the smoke before clearing to have bits of Armament Haki coating his chest.

His arm was wrapped up in smoke like a cocoon before coming out to be coated in Armament Haki. His head was wrapped in it as well before quickly clearing to show that his hair had grew even longer, along also having flame shapes in them, mixing in with his green highlights in his hair.

His eyes had dark lines swirl around him, giving him a serious look. His arms had been coated up until the shoulders with Armament Haki and his legs were, too.

"Snake-Man!" Izuku said while getting into a stance, holding his right arm up while his left arm was outstretched.

"Snake-Man!" Izuku said while getting into a stance, holding his right arm up while his left arm was outstretched

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