The R-Rated +18 Interrogation (100k Special Part 2)

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(A/N: Before this second lemon of the 100k special begins, I have a question for you, the dear reader/viewers of this book of mine. I asked this once, and I didn't get a lot replies so I wanted to ask it once more.

What is it that you like about this crossover book I made? Midoriya D. Izuku? Reason I ask this is because I noticed that in a span of 8 months, we're at 156,209 reads and... it amazes me, you know? I'm honestly surprised that people would like this fanfic crossover that I made up with back in January of 2023.

Now, tell me your reason of why you like this book of mine. You can place your comments here. Anyway, enjoy this second 100k special lemon.)

Inside of the dorms of Class 1-A, a few minutes after Katsuki asked Izuku outside to Ground Beta, each member of the class wished each other goodnight.

However, a certain brunette was on the couch, noticing that someone wasn't in the room.

"Ochaco," She turned to see Momo looking at her concernly. "Is something wrong? I can see that you look a bit worried."

"No, Momo, everything's fine. It's just... have you noticed where Dekiru is? I swear, he was here with us... do you think he's still out there talking with the three princesses and Uta?"

"Possibly. That, or he's talking with his mother or his friends."

"Mmm... yeah, that could be true. But what about Itsuka and the others? You think he could be with them?"

"I don't think so. Maybe he'll be back with us later. I doubt he's going to be late." Momo said with a smile that reassure her harem sister.


The opening of a beer can went off as Yu Takeyama, the Pro Heroine and now teacher at U.A. Mt. Lady, took a sip of her drink. Besides on the couch next to her was Horie, AKA 10t.

In the room with them was Kaina, who was currently having a chat with the two ladies. The room that belonged to Nemuri as she invited the women to have a chat with the newly recruited member of the staff of U.A.

Speaking of the woman herself, Nemuri stood in front of a chair that held a tied up and currently unconscious Izuku, who was still knocked out from the pheromones of her Somnambulist Quirk.

Horie looked over to see them. "So, Kayama-senpai, are you able to explain why Midoriya-san is here, tied up in a chair and knocked out?"

"According to Aizawa, who was going to ask for something, he and lil angry Katsuki Bakugo were caught fighting at Ground Beta by one of the security bots that patrol around campus in the case one of the students is up after curfew hours." The dark-haired lady explained as she looked at the boy's sleeping face. "I knew that Bakugo wouldn't give me the answer to my questions since he would be full of anger, so I figured that Midoriya would be able to do so."

"Fighting? I've known Midoriya ever his internship, but I know he isn't the type to pick a fight!" Horie said, defending the Green-Haired Rubber Boy's actions.

"I believe you, Horie, but I still need to know why they were there in the first place. I also can't let him or Bakugo go unscathed, they have to be punished for their actions."

"Mm... Oi, Sanji... I'm hungry..." They turned to heat the boy murmur those words as the women then hear his stomach growl.

"Seems like he's dreaming about food since he's hungry." Kaina said as they see a line of drool fall from the boy's mouth. "He probably didn't get the chance to have something to eat before that Bakugo kid took him out to fight."

"Yamato... Hancock... not now... they're gonna see if we get caught."

"Hancock? Yamato?" Yu questioned with eyebrow quirked.

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