"The Nomu we captured are just as unresponsive as the last ones." An officer reported from inside Tch w Metropolitan Police Department on an island somewhere in the Grand Line.
"They're basically mindless animals. We haven't gotten any new info from them. The warehouse they were kept in was completely destroyed. We'll continue our investigation, of course, but we don't know how much date we can collect."
The police chief pulls up a piece of paper and reads it. "And we haven't gotten any worthwhile information from the bar at all?"
"We're still looking into that, sir."
His answer made the Chief groan in frustration as he puts his head down.
"We apprehended all the Nomu, sure, but we let most of the perpetrators, including Shigaraki and the most surprising one that came from out of nowhere, Marshall D. Teech, slip through out of our reach." One of the members of the meeting commented.
"Honestly, even though we captured their boss, I'd have to say that this whole thing was a draw."
"Idiot. Don't be stupid." The Chief muttered as h they looked at him. "Our country has just lost the Symbol of Peace, literally. Even though he managed to deal the final blow, All Might had given into his wounds that he should've died early from, but for somewhere he managed to live and keep fighting until the Villain was done for. Because of this, everyone and their shallow-minded mother is gonna now become even bolder than when Stain's defeat started making them."
"It's what we get for relying too much on one Pro Hero." Another member stated.
"People now know they can raise hell with just a handful thugs and low-level pirates. This is almost reminding me how Edward Newgate, the late pirate and 'Strongest Man in the World' Whitebeard's death caused a huge amount of chaos when he told the worlds through his final breath that the so-called great treasure, the One Piece, was real."
They nodded before the man in front of took out a photo, showed it to the Photo Transponder Snail, which scanned it and projected the images of Tomura Shigaraki before the Chief started to speak.
"Our initial profile of Tomura Shigaraki described him as childish and prone to tantrums, but now that has obviously changed. His plans are growing more strategic, and with former Warlord of the Sea, 'Heavenly Demon' Donquixote Doflamingo and his family at his side, things could be a whole lot different because of their alliance.
He now appeared to be focused on how he can mold our society. And with All Might now gone, we've lost our biggest deterrent to criminal activity. Each time the League fails, they will come back even stronger than before, gaining new allies such as Doflamingo. And now, Shigaraki can greatly expand sphere of influence because of this."
"Are you saying that this was part of the League's plan?"
"That does sound like quite a leap."
"We don't know. But there is only one thing I can say for certain. We must captured the League of Villains, no matter what. Because we don't and they're still out there, well... I can say for all of us that our world will be plunged into another era of darkness like back then, and that'll bring trouble. Criminals and pirates are gonna rise up from this event, and we are gonna be in hell if all of hell froze over."
Right about now, the sun dawned upon U.A., a couple of days after the incident.
Things were kind of trying to get back to normal, but one fact remained that was pretty undeniable: While Katsuki was rescued and given to the police, Izuku was still captured, but not by the League, it was now the Navy and World Government. But let's not focus on that... let's look something else that's happening.

Midoriya D. Izuku! The Reincarnated King of the Pirates!
FanficMonkey D. Luffy finally achieved his dream of becoming the King of the Pirates. After the adventures on the Grand Line in the world with pirates and heroes, he managed to gain the legendary treasure that made him the King of the Pirates--the One Pie...