Nabu Island

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It was a cold, dark night. Driving on the highway was a big truck, carrying cargo in the back. The truck bobbled up and down due to hitting something.

"Oi, lizard." A voice that sounded like he didn't have a care in the world spoke to the person driving in the driver seat. "Can't you slow down or something? I get motion sickness."

"Shut up, Dabi!" The driver shouted as it was revealed to be the gecko of the League of Villains. "The name's not lizard, it's Spinner! And don't scold my driving! I only learn to drive from video games, so cut me some slack!"

In the back of the truck was Dabi and his ally, Mr. Compress. Reason they were in this truck was to deliver some cargo that All For One's assistant, Doctor Garaki, wanted to be shipped off to a ship off the dock of the mainline.

Suddenly, the three of them heard multiple engines of cars roar, and Spinner looked at the window to see multiple cars coming after them. The red car came close to the right window for Rock Lock to see the mutant.

"Shuichi Iguchi!"

"So it is the League of Villains!" His partner said before sticking his head out and then his machine gun arm, but Spinner slammed against their car, making them grind on the side and then crash their car back a bit, losing the left door.

Spinner spun the wheel to the left, making the blue car go off the rails and explode, killing whoever was in there.

"Damn it!" The Hero who was with Rock Lock shouted before firing once more, but his bullets only ricocheted off the metal door. "That door's hard to penetrate!"

"I'm going closer!"

While the Hero kept firing his bullets and the two other cars kept chase, Dabi broke the window before outstretched his arm, sending a wave of blue flames at them.

"Deadbolt!" Rock Lock used his Ultimate Move as the car rolled around before coming to a halt because of it. "Sorry!" The Lockdown Hero shouted while the white car rode off the side and managed to get in front of the truck.

A female blonde Heroine got on top of the vehicle before electricity crackled around her. "Dabi!" She shouted the blue flames users' name as she sent out an attack of electricity, but Spinner accelerated the truck to push through the attack and ram the vehicle, making her lose her footing and fall.

The last car, an orange one, was starting to make its way up to the truck before Mr. Compress made his way to the top.

"Whoopsie-daisy. You're too persistent!" He said before tossing multiple orbs, snapping his fingers and made them release objects that caused the car to crash and explode, killing the Heroes inside.

However, one Hero managed to jump onto the truck at the last second. "Bastards... What are you up to—"

"Don't ask pointless questions." Dabi stated before lighting the Hero on fire. Spinner slammed his fist on the wheel in frustrations. "Why are the Heroes here?"

"The information was leaked..." Dabi guessed.

"Leaked? But from where?" Mr. Compress asked.

"Who knows?"

"They got past the pursite team. Now—"

"You don't have to spell it out." The new official Number One Hero, Endeavor, responded as he was at the end of the road with his sidekicks. "Leave it to me."

"Endeavor!" Spinner shouted in shock as he saw the flaming figure. "The one who's moved up to Number One, huh?" Mr. Compress said while Dabi ignited his hands on fire while Endeavor got ready.

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