Back at the flying U.A., things weren't so good as Shigaraki and Mahito were both giving the Heroes a hard time.
"Hahaha! So, all you can do is just flee?!" Shigaraki asked as he continued to sent out a massive wave of fingers while riding on it. "Soul Multiplicity... Body Repel!"
Mahito came in and used his Idle Transfiguration on two of his Transfigured Humans, sending them down at Katsuki, Rumi and Best Jeanist, who were forced to dodge.
"Gah!" Tamaki yelled as he was thrown off by one of the pillars of fingers. "Suneater!" Nejire shouted before turning around and firing an energy wave at another slithering pillar of fingers.
She tried her best, but thing was just too much for her to handle and got pushed back, slammed into another pillar of fingers and fell down.
"Keep your guard up! We have to keep moving!" Best Jeanist shouted while rail grinding on one of his Fiber Cables. "Lest he swallows us up! Continue to evade, and target his core!"
"The surging hands are surely a massive threat, but in exchange, he's forsaken that mobility reminiscent of All Might's!" Edgeshot said before using his Foldabody Quirk to transform.
"Ninpo: Pulp-Thread Throttle!" Flattening and twisting his body into a pointed string, Edgeshot coils around his target while repeatedly piercing them in multiple places, which ripped apart the pillar of fingers, but it only regrew from the cut.
"He asserts that this is not the doing of Quirks, but rather simple growth? A dubious claim."
"The more the All For One Quirk takes root within me... the more my body adapts to the legion of stockpile Quirks and Devil Fruits within, along with various environmental factors. My body is searching for... groping no around for its ideal form. Understand, Shinya Kaminari?" Shigaraki answered from the pillar of grotesque fingers.
"With this body, and this power... All... will come to rest in the palm of my hand. Giving rise... to a world of my own, or one beyond me entirely.
That's the present state of the world, no? But under my rule, all will be united as the exploited class! All will by equal! Don't Heroes yearn for world peace? Is it that hard to imagine actually taking a step towing that?!"
"Look, I dunno if that's Shigaraki or All For One droning on right now..." Katsuki muttered as he ran across one of the pillar of fingers. Suddenly, from his shoulders, a weapon of some kind began to form. "All this exercise helped me stock up more than enough! Time to whip out what the Support Course made for me... But either way, I'm about to hurl from hearing it. Ever since Kamino! Nothing but yap, yap, yap! Time for me to show you my Suppressive Heavy Mobile Unit: Strafe Panzer!"
On Katsuki's back, multiple big guns were materialized and hardened with his Armament Haki. "Hope you're ready... to be Swiss cheese! Gotta destroy his real body! All of us, together!" The ash-blonde shouted before unleashing a large amount of explosions with his Strafe Panzer support item.
"What? As a team?" Rumi asked with a grin.
"While Monoma and Sensei have still got his powers locked down with Erasure... While Kaminari's team is still keeping this arena powered up! While Yaoyorozu and them... are still replacing the ground to stand on!
You wanna talk about some big disparity! Lack of understanding? Dread? Guess what—I've long since taken all that crap to heart."
"Bakugo!" Jeanist shouted while the blasts kept on coming.
"And I've seen... a real step towards progress, with all that. It might take time, but some people I know are trying... to push forward. Thanks anyway, but... you can shove your sermon... ya nutsack-faced handy-man!"

Midoriya D. Izuku! The Reincarnated King of the Pirates!
FanfictionMonkey D. Luffy finally achieved his dream of becoming the King of the Pirates. After the adventures on the Grand Line in the world with pirates and heroes, he managed to gain the legendary treasure that made him the King of the Pirates--the One Pie...