"My origin..." Toshinori's voice spoke through the void as the memory from his mind came to light.
"Toshinori... whenever you have doubts in yourself, remember why you're doing this, why you clench your fists in anger... Remember what reason you have reaching your goal... your goal of becoming the 'Pillar that keeps the world safe'..."
"You are really similar... to the previous One For All successor, Nana Shimura." All For One said, his face still having the fist of the Symbol of Peace.
Toshinori gritted his teeth in rage. "Do not sully the name of my honored master... with that filthy mouth of yours...!"
"She was a woman with no skill whose ideals got ahead of her. She was an embarrassment to me as the one who created One For All. And the way she died was really pathetic. Where shall I start...?"
"ENOUGH!!" Toshinori yelled as he attempted to punch the Symbol of Evil. However, All For One charged up his Air Cannon before blasting the Number One Hero into the air."
Toshinori coughed up blood from the air while he was in collision course for the helicopter in the air. Thankfully, his disciple had caught up before dragging him back down to the surface.
"All Might, calm down! He's just trying to get into your head...!"
As he said that, the two landed onto the ground while All For One looked at the direction they were at.
"You're still standing here with him, my son? No wonder. Even though my assistant had taken your Quirk back when you were a child, he told me how you still strived to be one of these creatures called a 'Hero'. I'll do my best to make you strive off of this path."
Using another one of his Quirks, Air Walk, which was almost like the Six Powers move Moonwalk, he floated up into the air before heading after them.
"Toshinori!" Back on the ground, Izuku and Toshinori loooked to see that Gran Torino happened to have followed them.
"This is the same as six years ago! You must calm down! You were so caught up in his challenge that you let him escape! And then he made a hole in your stomach! That's what's hopeless about you! Do not exchange words with him!"
"Yes, sir..."
"And you, kid. Get ready, too. This guy isn't called the Symbol of Evil for nothing." The elder Pro said to the boy as they noticed All For One coming towards them.
"I wouldn't have excepted less from my own son. Being able to capture his mentor right after I launched him into the sky was an excellent move, impressive if I say so myself."
Toshinori and Gran Torino's faces had an expression of confusion while Izuku's eyes were widened.
"What in the hell are you talking about? The kid ain't no son of yours! You never fell in love with a woman since you've been indulged in your obsession of control of Japan!" Toshinori yelled as his face and body were both half transformed.
The statement only made the Villain chuckle. "Oh, how wrong you be about that, All Might."
"What are you talking about?" Izuku questioned, demanding answers.
"You see, Izuku may be my son, but he is not my only child. During my glory days, I may have seduces women into falling in love with me. This started a process where I conceived children, and when they turned four..."
Izuku's eyes widen at his words.
"...I had the doctor steal their Quirks, there by making them Quirkless, just like you were at the same age. And used those who hadn't have their Quirks stolen for my new vessel without them knowing."

Midoriya D. Izuku! The Reincarnated King of the Pirates!
FanfictionMonkey D. Luffy finally achieved his dream of becoming the King of the Pirates. After the adventures on the Grand Line in the world with pirates and heroes, he managed to gain the legendary treasure that made him the King of the Pirates--the One Pie...