A day has passed ever since the Hosu incident. Iida, Izuku and Shoko were cleared for dismissal from the hospital and were discharged after being visited by the Hosu Police Department's Chief of Police.
Since Gran Torino had his license for teaching suspended for two months, he gave Miruko permission to look over Izuku for the last two days of his internship.
The Green-Haired Rubber Boy was fine with this, as Miruko's punishment was to help Gran Torino place more supervision during his internship training.
But if the most interesting thing about internship would be, Izuku said not only just encountering Stain, but also Horie, AKA Pro Heroine 10t. Having heard of the news in Hosu with Izuku being involved, he dialed and sure enough, she was worried for him. After she was able to comfirm that he was safe, a conversation ensued, a nice one to be in fact. Before it ended, she said that she had a really great surprise for him that he'll get to see soon at his school.
Right now in the present, Izuku was on patrol with Miruko as the two hopped all over the buildings of the Archipelago.
The two were in the middle of pursuing a Villain with large muscular arms who was holding an ATM machine.
"Damn you, Heroes! Why don't you just give up! You can't keep up with my speed!" The Villain roared.
Izuku had Second Gear activated as he was keeping up with the gigantic Villain while Miruko hopped from building to building to gain momentum to get to him.
"Huh... that's weird." Daigoro said, examining the Villain as he noticed something.
"What is, Daigoro-san?" Izuku asked mentally.
"Look at the guy and what he's currently doing while running. Doesn't it look like he's holding his breath?"
The boy narrowed his eyes to see that the vestige of the Fifth User was right. The guy had his mouth closed, making it looked like he was holding his breath.
"Could his Quirk be connected by holding in his breath to increase the muscles in his arms?"
"It seems that way, Izuku." Nana said as she appeared next to him.
"Go, Izuku! Beat the guy!" Luffy cheered as he stood on his throne, watching the events transpired while holding a bowl of Sea King meat and egg salad that he was eating.
"Miruko, this guy probably increased his muscles by holding his breath! We should get in close to land a hit, that should knock all the air out of him and his arms should shrink!"
Izuku's explanation made the Rabbit Hero grin. "Alright! Then let's go!" Blackwhip sprouted from the boy's arm as it latched into Miruko herself.
"I'll help you out! With my second ability, I can get you even closer!"
"Alright, Deku! Send me flying after him!" Izuku wrapped Blackwhip around some buildings until it formed a slingshot canon of sorts.
"Go!" Blackwhip launched the Rabbit Hero at the Villain as Miruko got her legs ready because she was getting closer and closer.
"You're going down, Gorilla! Luna... Arc!" She dealt an axe kick, coated with Armament Haki, making the kick itself stronger as the Villain was knocked to the ground.
The Villain gasped as the air was knocked out of them, causing their arms to shrink back to their normal size.
"Seems like we did a good job, Deku." Miruko said as she sat on the Villain's body with a her usual grin.
"Yeah." Izuku said with a smile.
"Oi, you bitch get off me!" The Villain shouted as he wanted Miruko to get off of him. The Rabbit Hero pulled out a piece of tape from out of nowhere before slamming it onto their mouth.

Midoriya D. Izuku! The Reincarnated King of the Pirates!
FanfictionMonkey D. Luffy finally achieved his dream of becoming the King of the Pirates. After the adventures on the Grand Line in the world with pirates and heroes, he managed to gain the legendary treasure that made him the King of the Pirates--the One Pie...