Breaking the Fourth Wall to End a War (Very Short Chapter)

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Cannons fired everywhere as the soldiers and pirates continued to attack each other. Pikachu continued to zap Marine soldiers unconscious with his Thunder Rush move.

"Hey, is that Pikachu from the Pokèmon series?" One of the pirates pointed out when seeing the mouse Pokémon run across the battlefield.

"Yeah, it looks like it." His crewmate muttered before sniping a soldier, with the bullet piercing his spine and making sure he's paralyzed forever.

Back with Izuku, he had fully transformed into the Sun God Nika before flying off straight back for the Gorosei and Imu.

His shadow clone and Bonney were currently in a tight place as Imu and the Gorosei weren't letting them have a break. Meanwhile, Mahoraga was giving Saint Mars some trouble as he tore off his wings, making the Itsumade Yokai fall into the ocean.

The Divine General jumped at high speeds towards Saturn, grabbing one of his many legs before ripping it off and using his appendage against him.

As Saturn groaned from the pain, he regenerated his leg and attempted to attack Mahoraga, but Izuku came in front of him, holding what appeared to be Blackwhip, formed into a double barrel shotgun.

"Bang." The blast from the shotgun blasted off half of Saturn's face, and unfortunately for him, his regeneration wasn't working anymore.


Imu attempted to strike him down with an energy blast, but Izuku was quicker to act. "Get crushed." Using Cursed Speech, Izuku caused the Celestial Dragon's body to get pressed and then crushed like a soda can.

"About time he showed up." The shadow clone muttered as Ju Peter attempted to attack him and Bonney, but Mahoraga punched him back down into the ocean.

"Nika!!" Bonney shouted in joy when seeing her idol in front of her.

"I'm ending this." He said before summoning a sword with a special ability, one that he came up with just for Imu and the Gorosei. He cuts Saturn's face, and instead of regenerating, the Gorosei became shocked to find out he couldn't.

"D... Damn you, Nika!" The warrior of science shouted as he attempted to end the boy, only to have his body sliced in half.

Izuku turned around, and in a blitz of speed, he cuts down Nusjuro, ending him as well. Mars attempted to fly away, but Blackwhip stopped him from moving, allowing Izuku to stab him in the heart, effectively killing the immortal Gorosei member.

Ju Peter and Warcury attempted to flee as well, but Izuku stabbed them with two giant piles from Blackwhip, which was hardened by his Armament Haki.

He aimed both of his hands at them. "Hakai." The two Gorosei members screamed in pain as their bodies were erased from existence.

He turned and looked back to see Imu, who was starting to regenerate again. Izuku threw his sword, which stabbed them in the back, making Imu yell in pain.

"It's over, Imu." They looked up to see Izuku staring at them from the sky, looking down at them with a cold glare. "You may die, but you may come back as a curse spirit. But that won't matter. Change your name, change your appearance, it'll still end the same as I kill you again. Though, that won't be a problem since I can just do this... Hakai."

Using the move of the God of Destruction, Imu yelled in pain as his body disintegrated into complete nothingness. With the main six opponents back, Izuku headed towards his shadow clone.

"I'll take Bonney. You can head back into the shadows." He said, in which Izuku got tackled instantly by the woman, big breasts smushing up against his face.

"Alright. Take care." His clone waved him goodbye before turning into a puddle of shadows. While Bonney was cuddling him, Izuku turned to see that everyone was still continuing to fight.

He then started to press his body up against something before pushing through, ending up in a white void.

"What the? What is this place?" Bonney asked before turning back to see a page filled with panels of a manga, which showed the war that they were in was happening.

"Eh... I just broke the fourth wall. Just to end this war even quicker." Izuku answered nonchalantly, confusing the woman before he snapped his fingers, causing the pictures to change, showing that they won.

"If you want me to elaborate, basically I became self aware through Fifth Gear. And I know that there are some people either reading or watching us right now." He said before turning his head towards the viewers.

"Well, can't you bring us back?" Bonney asked, cutting him off.

"Yeah, don't worry." He answered before pushing his body against the page, entering inside and back into their world. Cheers of victory ran out as the two saw that most of the Navy soldiers were defeated.

Looking in the distance to see that a helicopter was recording the battle, Izuku decided to clear things up so that he wouldn't have people get the wrong idea.

"And as you can see, the pirates have— woah!" The female reporter jumped in surprised when Izuku instantly warped to them, along with being Bonney with him. He made her focus the camera onto him as his face was recorded to the entire world.

"Many of you may have been asking, 'why did he do this'? I did it to put an end of corruption that has been happening inside of the World Government and the Marines. For too long, Navy soldiers didn't do a damn about slavery and allowed these bastards to take innocent people as slaves, taking them away from their loved ones, and then subjecting them to horrible torment."

"My father was one of these people." Bonney answered to the camera. "He had Buccaneer blood, and because of that, he and my grandparents were taken as slaves, even though my grandmother was normal. They were subjected to harsh conditions, and they were treated terribly..."

Her mind recalled when she saw all of her father's memories, seeing the harsh things he went through. Simply remembering it was making her cry.

"My father Kuma wasn't a tyrant! He was a slave!" She shouted while bursting into tears. "He joined the Revolutionary Army to free innocent people that were suffering from the exact same thing he went through!"

"That's why we did this, because of all the corruption that was allowed to happen. That won't happen anymore, from now on."

After finishing his statement, Izuku jumped back down, holding Bonney as they descended towards everyone.

"Pirates may be pirates, but these guys were doing some more horrible things that we have done in our lifetimes." Izuku said as all eyes were on him. "I hope you understand on why we did this."

"It's okay, Luffy-senpai!" Bartolomeo—AKA the Number One Luffy fan in the World—said. "We all went along with this because you asked for our help."

"But, let's talk about the main thing in the area..." Law brought it up as he pointed to Smoker and the rest of the soldiers. "What do we do with these guys?"

"Just leave them. Gramps can take care of the rest. Some of these guys are okay, others not so much. They'll probably put them in Impel Down or Tartarus, or something."

"And then, with that means..."

"WE FUCKING WON!!" One of the Whitebeard Pirates' allies shouted in joy as cheers rang throughout the battlefield.

As Izuku deactivated Fifth Gear and smiled, S-Snake came over and tackled him. "Luffy-sama!" The adult Seraphim shouted in joy, knowing that she accomplished her mission and was going to get her reward.

While the rest of the world was wondering about where this could go, Izuku wondered about another thing that was brought up in the past.

"Old man Vegapunk's message stated that our world would soon sink into the sea back in Egghead.. how could that not happened yet? Plus, Imu fired the Mother Flame for two times, so that should have made some changes to the weather and the ocean, right? I wonder what stopped it from happening... or maybe it just hasn't come yet. Well, whatever. That's another problem that future me is gonna have to deal with."

Next and Last: "End for Corruption, Beginning for a Brighter Future".

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